Sunday, October 13, 2019

Rome Essay -- History, Architecture

Early Rome was an architecturally diverse place. For the first centuries after its founding all the people of Rome lived in very simple huts devoid of any significant meaning. But during the rule under the Etruscans, they learned how to build more complex structures with specific purposes such as a sacred place where a god can be thought to dwell. Etruscan buildings cannot be seen though without Greek architectures’ indelible mark. Through the Etruscans, Rome learned how to build huge and complex structures where before that knowledge did not exist. This period of Roman architecture can be defined along with Rome’s governmental development. Republican Rome began in 509 B.C. and with it entered the beginning of Rome’s architectural greatness. â€Å"With the expulsion of the Etruscan kings Rome was free to shape her own destinies† (Sear 14). Since Rome was not restrained because of its conquerors it was free to create whatever they wished, however they wanted. While there was still a heavy Greek influence, a style developed that was distinctly Roman, but as Rome conquered nations across the Mediterranean Sea it absorbed their styles of building and it was shown in the buildings of their capital. Imperial Rome saw the highest and lowest point in Rome’s history. But during this time an enormous number of innovative and massive structures were built that defined Rome as the dominant power in the ancient world. During this time Rome reworked its earlier principles to be used in the government and religious buildings. Cement also played an important role in the ability to construct complex domes and ornate arches. Another major change that occurred was the extensive use of marble in construction, unlike earlier brick buildings.... ...ed the small farming village on the banks of the Tiber into a thriving city. Throughout the Republic of Rome, advances were made in complexity and design alongside the introductions to new cultures during Rome’s conquests. These conquests gave Rome the wealth and inspiration needed to create its massive buildings. All through the Empire, magnificent and colossal buildings were built which reflected the height of Roman power and wealth. â€Å"It is said of Augustus that he found Rome a city built of bricks but left it a city built of marble† (Clayton 22). This is very true of how Rome was rebuilt during its time as an empire and the dominant power in the world. From beginning to end, the Roman concept of architecture was based on shaping matter around space, and this only changed in complexity and in meaning, but never changed the foundation upon which it was built.

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