Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Christine de pilan essays

Christine de pilan essays In the years 1364-1429 there was a great woman writer by the name of Christine de Pisan. This woman wrote great works including her most famous The City of Ladies in which she questions Lady of Reasoning. In this book, she also questioned the importance of the male. She also reasoned that men were not more intelligent than women as people in that period assumed, that when Eve ate the forbidden apple she was doing something great for all kind because as she did that man was being taken with God, and that women are not as skilled as men because they are told that their job is to run a household. Women were not given the same Without such books women might not have gotten to explore other options than only running a household. The world for women might still be oppressed. Men would still be against women doing anything besides running the house and mothering the children. Most women were not allowed to do such things as writing poetry or books, or be doctors or politicians. Many of the great women in history may have looked upon this book as a guide in order to use it to their advantage and to promote equality between the sexes. The meaning of this book is still evident in society today. We do now have equality thanks to the womens movement. Our jobs and home life are incredibly different now than they were thousands of years ago. We now hold many of the same jobs as men and we are sometimes better at it. Running a household is also different. Men are staying at home with the children and keeping house. There is no longer a barrier that states men are better than women. The women in this world are taking control of their lives instead of being told what to do. We should be thankful to Christine de Pisan for starting the womens movement back in 1405. The passage that I read from this book was very interesting. The diale ...

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