Thursday, October 31, 2019

Financial modelling Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial modelling - Lab Report Example For a given value of expected return, MPT tends to explain how one can select a portfolio with the least possible risk. Standard deviation is the most commonly and widely used measure of spread and thus it measures the potential variability, volatility and risk. Standard deviation (ÏÆ'i ) can be used as a good measure of relative risk between two investments that have the same expected rate of return. It can be calculated for each and every individual shares, portfolios of shares and for the market as a whole. A larger value of ÏÆ'i implies a lower probability that actual returns will be closer to the expected returns. We first calculated standard deviation, covariance matrix and expected return. The standard deviation and expected return were calculated by applying the Excel STDEV and AVERAGE functions to the historic monthly percentage returns data. Table 1 below shows the correlation matrix, standard deviations, and the average returns for the rates of return on the stock index. After we input Table 1 into our spreadsheet as shown, we created the covariance matrix in Table 2 using the relationship . The curved line represents the return values and risks that result from combination of various shares. It is also known as the efficient frontier and it represents efficient portfolios of shares that is, portfolios that give the minimum risk for a given level of return or maximum return for a given level of risk. On the other hand, the straight line is known as capital allocation line and it represents the expected return and standard deviation from various combinations of the risk-free asset and the optimal risky portfolio. It starts at the risk-free return of 4% and is perpendicular to the curved line. It represents the highest ratio of risk premium to standard deviation (Sharpe Ratio). For our computations if we invest in a free risk with 10% portfolio we get

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Knowledge Management Foundations of IT Systems SLP Research Paper

Knowledge Management Foundations of IT Systems SLP - Research Paper Example SAP stands for Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing and was founded in 1972 and it is the biggest provider of business applications. The applications offered by SAP crystal solutions are used by organizations and businesses in analysing, interpreting and presenting information. The process of creating new information in organizations is made easy by using the applications offered by SAP solutions. Bogorad (2010) states that data are discrete facts about objects and events which are necessary in the business system but have little significance on their own. There is need for the data to be interpreted and analysed and the SAP tools can be used in organizing the data to enable easier analysis and interpretation. After the data is organized with a specific purpose in mind it becomes information and this is used to make decisions. The SAP tools organize data into useful information. The SAP crystal reports software is an application that is used to design reports which a re interactive and connects them to virtually any data type (SAP crystal reports, para.1).This is a useful tool as it can help the employees to recognise patterns and be able to make accurate decisions based on accurate predictions from the reports.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Role of amygdala in the experience of fear

Role of amygdala in the experience of fear The amygdalae (from the Greek for almond) are two groups of almond-shaped nuclei located deep within the medial temporal lobes of the brain in complex vertebrates, including humans, (see Fig 1 below). Research has shown that the amygdalae perform a primary role in the processing and memory of emotional reactions, and are considered to be part of the limbic system. [pic] Fig 1: Location of Amygdala. (Image from: The regions described as amygdalae are a combination of several nuclei with distinct functions. Among these nuclei are the basolateral complex, the cortical nucleus and the centromedial nucleus, (see Fig 2 below). The basolateral complex can be further subdivided into the lateral, the basal and the accessory basal nuclei. Anatomically, the amygdala and more particularly, its centromedial nucleus, may be considered as a part of the basal ganglia. The amygdala sends impulses to various parts of the brain, for example, to the hypothalamus to activate the symp athetic nervous system; to the thalamic reticular nucleus to increase reflex movement; and to the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus for the activation of various neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. The cortical nucleus is involved in the sense of smell and pheromone- processing. It receives input from the olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex. The lateral amygdalae, which send impulses to the rest of the basolateral complexes and to the centromedial nuclei, receive input from the sensory systems. The centromedial nuclei are the main outputs for the basolateral complexes, and are involved in emotional arousal in rats and cats. [pic] Fig 2: Nuclei of the rat amygdaloid complex. (ABmc = accessory basal magnocellular subdivision; ABpc = accessory basal parvicellular subdivision; Bpc = basal nucleus magnocellular subdivision; e.c. = external capsule; Ladl = lateral amygdala medial subdivision; Lam = lateral amygdala medial subdivision; Lavl = lateral amygdala v entrolateral subdivision; Mcd = medial amygdala dorsal subdivision; Mcv = medial amygdala ventral subdivision; Mr = medial amygdala rostral subdivision; Pir = piriform cortex; s.t. = stria terminalis). (Image from: Physiol Rev 83: 805) The amygdala filters sensory information and acts as a sort of interpretation channel. The basolateral amygdala receives sensory information from the thalamus and cortex and then forwards a signal to the appropriate target areas (see Figure 3 below). It is also known as the amygdala proper, and the several areas of the brain that it targets are part of a broader network that serves much more specialized functions. Because the basolateral amygdala is critical for emotion, a better understanding of the chemicals within these brain circuits should lead to improved pharmacological treatments for emotional dysfunction in psychiatric disorders. [pic] Fig 3: The basolateral amygdala. (Image from: Current Biology, Vol.10, (4)) Within most of these disorders i s a common symptom in that the patient often says I didnt think, I just reacted. Straker, D. (2006) believes they may be exactly right. All sensory data, with the exception of the sense of smell, is sent by the body first to the thalamus which then forwards it to both the relevant part of the cortex and to the amygdala. The information is sent out over two parallel pathways: the thalamo- amygdala pathway (the short route) and the thalamo-cortico-amygdala pathway (the long route). The short route transmits a quick estimated representation of the situation, in which no cognition is involved. This pathway activates the amygdala which, through its central nucleus, generates emotional responses before the mind can form a complete representation of the stimulus. The amygdala does a quick threat assessment by comparing the sensory data received with already stored fear responses. If any of these are triggered, then the amygdala floods the cortex with chemicals to stop it taking over. The r esult is action without conscious thought. (See Fig 4 below). Subsequently, the information that has travelled via the long route and been processed in the cortex reaches the amygdala and tells it whether or not the stimulus represents a real threat. Should a real threat be presented the amygdala will then activate the efferent structures responsible for physical manifestations of fear, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweaty hands, dry mouth, and tense muscles. The parallel operation of our explicit (hippocampal) and implicit (amygdalic) memory systems explains why we do not remember traumas experienced very early in our lives. At that age, the hippocampus is still immature, while the amygdala is already able to record unconscious memories. Early childhood traumas can disturb the mental and behavioural functions of adults by mechanisms that they cannot access consciously. In complex vertebrates, including humans, the amygdalae perform primary roles in the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events. Amunts et al (2005) indicate that, during fear conditioning, sensory stimuli reach the basolateral complexes of the amygdalae, particularly the lateral nuclei, where they form associations with memories of that particular stimuli. These associations between stimuli and the aversion may be mediated by long-term potentiation, a lingering potential for affected synapses to react more readily. Memories of emotional experiences that become imprinted in the reactions of synapses in the lateral nuclei produce fear behaviour through their connections with both the amygdalaes central nucleus and the bed nuclei of stria terminalis (BNST). These central nuclei are involved in the production of many typical fear responses, including freezing (immobility), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), increased respiration, and stress-hormone release. Damage to the amygdalae impairs both the attainment and the expression of Pavlovian fear conditioning, which is a form of classical conditioning of emotional responses.    [pic]Fig 4: The Amygdala Bypass System. (Image from: Advances in neuroimaging technology such as fMRI, have allowed neuroscientists to show just how much of a role the amygdala plays in many psychological disorders. Donegan et al. (2003) studied patients with Borderline personality disorder who showed significantly greater left amygdala activity than the normal control subjects. Some of these borderline patients even had difficulties classifying neutral faces or classed them as being threatening. In support of these findings, in 2006, researchers at Monash University, Australia, observed increased levels of activity in the amygdala when patients with social phobia were shown images of threatening faces or when they were confronted with frightening situations. These activity levels in the amygdala were in direct correlation with the severity levels of the social phobia. Similarly, depressed patients showed more activity in the left amygdala when interpretin g emotions for all faces, and especially for fearful faces, although this hyperactivity was normalized when patients were prescribed antidepressants. Cultural studies such as Williams et al (2006) showed that normal subjects exposed to images of frightened faces or faces of people from another race will show increased activity of the amygdala, even if that exposure is subliminal. However, according to Tsuchiya et al (2009), the amygdala is not necessary for the processing of fear-related stimuli, since people with bilateral damage show rapid reactions to fearful faces. Early research on primates has also provided explanations for the functions of the amygdala in relation to emotional disorders. An early study by Brown Shafer (1888) observed rhesus monkeys with a lesioned temporal cortex (including the amygdala) and found that they suffered from significant social and emotional deficits. Kluver Bucy (1939) later expanded upon this observation by showing that large lesions to the an terior temporal lobe produced not only fearlessness, but also severe emotional disturbances including increased sexual behaviour and a propensity to place objects in their mouths. Some monkeys also displayed an inability to recognize familiar objects and would approach both animate and inanimate objects indiscriminately, while also exhibiting fearlessness towards the researchers. This behavioural disorder was later named Klà ¼ver-Bucy syndrome. However, their study can be criticised in that these lesions were so large and crude when compared to todays techniques, that researchers werent exactly sure of the structures responsible for these significant changes in behaviour. Improved techniques, such as using the neurotoxin ibotenic acid to make more precise lesions are partly responsible for the more detailed understanding of the amygdale today. | | | |[pic] |   | Fig 5: Sensory data routes, the fear response and the amygdala. (Image from: ml) Previous studies have examined activation of the amygdala in response to emotional facial stimuli, but these have been carried out in either the U.S. or Western Europe, although none of these explored cross-cultural differences. Although culture shapes several aspects of human emotional and social experience, including how fear is perceived and expressed to others, very little is known about how culture influences neural responses to fear stimuli. In response to this gap in the research, a study by Chiao et al (2008) found that the bilateral amygdalas response to fear faces is, in fact, modulated by culture. Using fMRI, they measured the amygdalas response to fear and non-fear faces in two distinct cultures, Native Japanese in Japan and Caucasians in the United States. Both culture groups showed greater activation in the amygdala to fear expressed by members of their own culture, (their in-group), than in any of the other emotional measures such as anger, happiness or neutrality . (See Fig 6 below). [pic] Fig 6: The amygdalas response to fearful facial expressions is culture- specific. (Image from: Chiao et al 2008). As mentioned earlier, sensory data, apart from the sense of smell, is sent by the body to the thalamus and then forwarded to both the cortex and the amygdala. In relation to this sense of smell, when faced with a threatening situation, many organisms, including insects, fish and mammals, release volatile pheromones, signalling the danger to other members of the same species. Nearly 70 years ago, Karl von Frisch (1941), described the alarm response in a species of small freshwater fish called the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus). Frisch, who was one of the founders of the scientific study of animal behaviour, demonstrated that when a minnow was eaten by a predator, a chemical released from its damaged skin would be reacted to by other minnows that were close by. They would at first dart about randomly, form a tight school and then retreat fro m the source of the chemical. Frisch called this substance schreckstoff, meaning scary stuff, and we now know that similar chemicals are used throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. A team of researchers from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland (Brechbuhl et al, 2008) have shown that mice detect alarm pheromones by means of a recently identified sensory system in the nose by examining a structure called the Grueneberg ganglion (GG), which in mammals is located on both sides in the tip of the nose, close to the openings of the nostrils. When the GG was first discovered by Hans Grueneberg in 1973, its anatomy was not known in such detail and so it was thought to be a non-sensory structure. It is only very recently that the olfactory system has come to be viewed as containing 3 distinct channels, each with a unique structure and function. The main channel is involved in detecting aromatic molecules; the second channel is called the vomeronasal system, and is an accessory olfact ory system which is now known to be involved in the detection of pheromones; the GG constitutes a third component of the olfactory pathway, one that was thought to be involved in mother-pup recognition and suckling behaviour, because it is present at the time of birth. The researchers sought to investigate the role of the GG in behaviour. Because of its location, the GG is easily accessible, so they were able to cut the axons of GG neurons in live mice (axotomy), thus preventing any signals from reaching the brain. But after numerous tests for nipple finding and other possible functions, the team actually found that the ganglion played a role in danger communication. [pic] Fig 7: Scanning electron microscope images of the mouse Grueneberg ganglion. Left: a cluster of neurons (GC) in a meshwork of fibroblasts (Fb) Right: and a higher magnification of a single GG neuron (green), with its axon (red) and thin ciliary process (blue). Scale bars: 20 microns (L) and 5 microns (R). (Image f rom: Brechbuhl et al, (2008)). 30 days after the axotomy, the researchers then compared how mice with and without their Grueneberg ganglia responded to alarm pheromones. According to Broillet, the contrast was very striking. Normal mice with the ganglia showed fear immediately by freezing while mice without the ganglia seemed to be unaffected and they carried on as before, apparently unaware of the danger signals that affected the normal mice. Although their sense of smell did not seem to be affected as they were able to sniff out cookies hidden in their cages as well as the normal mice. This study clearly shows that in mice the GG is involved in detecting alarm pheromones, rather than in mother-pup interactions, as was previously thought. It is able to perform this primitive function thanks to a specialized yet very basic structure as the GG consists simply of a small group of cells separated from the external environment by a water-permeable sheet of epithelial cells. Its location , far away from the main olfactory system, enables rapid detection of alarm pheromones. Such a mechanism is crucial an organisms survival rate, and the GG is found in every mammalian species examined so far, including humans. However, whether or not alarm pheromones affect, or even exist in humans, has been a subject for debate in the scientific community. Since pheromones are not detectable by the human sense of smell, scientists believe that pheromones are sensed by the vomeronasal organ (VNO), part of the olfactory system and located inside the mouth or nose. For many years, the existence of the VNO produced much speculation because it had only been found occasionally in adult humans, and when it was found, it was believed to be vestigial. However, Johnston et al, (1985) conducted a study in which the noses of 100 human adults were examined post-mortem and the VNO was found in the septums of 70% of those examined. Since then, much evidence has been gathered to support these findi ngs of a presence of the VNO in most adult humans, but many scientists still believe it to be a functionless organ that was inherited from some ancestor of humans. However, recent genetic research has shown the possibility of a receptor in the nose that could sense pheromones. When searching the human genome for genes that had similar sequences to those of rodent pheromone receptors, a team of researchers from The Rockefeller University in New York and the Yale University School of Medicine identified for the first time a candidate pheromone receptor gene in humans. The findings, reported in Nature Genetics, may shed new light on the molecular basis of social communication between humans, including the fear response. In conclusion, despite the saying, have no fear, to live without the ability to experience and recognise fear is to be deprived of a vital neural mechanism that enables appropriate social behaviour, and possibly even survival.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Autism :: essays research papers

These kids are blessed with terrific good looks--tall and straight, with big dark eyes, glossy hair and a movie staffs smile-but this wasn’t what was turning heads. Some of these kids were not actually walking towards the line at McDonalds; some were running and somehow skipping at the same time. And the kids were looking and smiling directly at everyone they passed with their fingers in their ears, their elbows flared out on either side. And, further baffling the bourgeoisie, they occasionally stopped and flapped their hands. I was all too aware of the faces of the people we passed. Some smiled, even laughed appreciatively, at their obvious joy at McDonalds. Some nodded to me sadly and knowingly: "Ah, I know how hard their lives are," they seemed to say. Some flinched in exaggerated horror as though from some ghastly space alien from Warner Brothers. Others were cool, spotted them far off and pretended not to see them when they passed. Still others were so used to s uch surpassing weirdness that our little show came nowhere near their threshold of surprise. One reaction, however, was more puzzling to me than all the others. I have come to think of it as "The Look." The passerby's face becomes still and thoughtful. The eyes become narrow, like those of the cunning psychiatrist in an old movie when he asks a patient what the inkblots look like. A hand goes up to the lips and, shifting into field anthropologist mode, the eyewitness stops and stares and nods silently as though making a mental note to write this one down in the journal. It's a locked-on-target look. A piano falling onto the pavement nearby wouldn't jar the stunning logical processes at work. Having been upset by â€Å"The Look† about a thousand times, and being something of an amateur field anthropologist myself, I have often asked this question: "Why do these people act this way?" The best answers that I have been able to come up with are these: (a) They are heartless and rude and should be tortured in some hideous way for upsetting a really nice teacher. (b) They are ignorant and think that humans come in solidly "normal" and "abnormal" forms and have no doubt about what kind they themselves are. (c) They saw the movie "Rain Man" and are now experts on autism. (d) They are fearful and are trying to achieve distance from a scary sight by trying to regard it as a rare scientific phenomenon.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

College Athletes Essay

There are thousands of athletes playing for different colleges. They put their time and effort in it, yet they don’t get paid. When athletes play a sport, they have even more stuff to worry about than a regular student. They have to worry about their grades, staying fit to play, stay healthy, attend to practice every day there’s practice, and then after practice go home and do all their work even though they are tired. How much do they get paid for going through all that? Zero dollars. College athletes should get paid to play too. The average salary of a third division college coach is forty five thousand dollars a year. An average third division athlete makes nothing. Why are coaches being paid and not the athletes? Yes the coaches are giving up their time to coach the players, but the athletes are too, and they are also risking themselves of getting injured every time they step in to play or practice. If an average NBA player makes about ten million dollars a year then why doesn’t a college basketball player get paid? There is this new rule that when a college gives away a scholarship, it can be renewed. That means that if a player quits the team or gets injured to the point that they can’t play anymore, the college can renew the scholarship and take it away from the player and give it to another athlete or someone else. That is not fair because if a player gets a serious injury for playing, the college can just take away their scholarship, and their career gets ruined. One of examples involved Texas Christian University. Running back Kent Waldrep was paralyzed in a game against the Alabama Crimson Tide on October 26, 1974. TCU paid his medical bills for nine months, then cut him loose. They also took away Adam’s scholarship, too. College athletes are human just like every other student. By not giving them the ability to make money and not paying them, colleges and its members are expecting the athletes to live a sub-human existence, and putting them at a disadvantage to finish their college education. Athletes are big money makers for the colleges. College athletics are a big role in making money, and they attract students to their college. Colleges depend on their athletes to produce and maintain the popularity of their school’s name. Many people argue that student athletes should not be paid because they are getting a free education through a scholarship. These people feel that they have already done a lot for them by giving them a scholarship to their colleges. On the other side, people think that the college athletes make enough profit for their colleges , and they argue that the colleges should owe the athletes more than just a scholarship . Student athletes should be given at least small profit from their income. College athletes aren’t allowed to work. How are they going to pay for all the necessary expenses if they come from poor families? This also leads to players accepting illegal money, cars, and clothes. When athletes that have the opportunity to leave school and turn professional they go for it, because college athletes live in near poverty. College athletes live in near poverty because the money they receive isn’t enough to pay for all of their expenses and necessities. The few athletes that graduate from college, that could turn professional before their senior year, stay because their parents support them by sending money. If college athletes are eligible to be paid, there would be more athletes graduating. Paying athletes would be good for everyone and players would go for an education instead of only concentrating on sports.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Of mice and men by John Steinbeck Essay

â€Å"Studying stage Drama enables us to see into a world that is very different from our own and to feel compassion for those who are unable to take control of their own lives† â€Å"Of mice and men† By John Steinbeck is a very interesting and compelling text, and positions us as the reader to accept Lennie as the victim even though he killed someone, we as the reader are given many insights that some of the other characters do not get to experience, and therefore can get this message as the dominant reading. The earliest accounts of the life of Lennie and George tells us a tale about Lennie and his accidents involving mice, Lennie who gets presents of mice from his aunt, crushes there heads, because he doesn’t know his own strength, he loves the mice, and cared for them, but because of his love for the mice they bite him and he crushes the mouse’s heads, Lennie is definitely mentally retarded, and as such he does things that regular people would not do it would seem that Lennie’s mentality was not designed for his body, if he was a thin weedy man then he would have no problems, he could pet animals AND make them stay alive, but things aren’t always as we like them Because the playwright is trying to establish Lennie as â€Å"the good guy† we are also positioned at the scene of their last job, Lennie feels a ladies dress, the woman screams, he holds on, she starts yelling to the police, he holds, and as a result, poor George has to spend a night in a ditch and what was the reason? â€Å"I only did it to feel how soft it was† says Lennie, even though this is still fairly strange, you as the reader can relate to him and say well, it really isn’t his fault. Now I know you are wondering, â€Å"Why did Lennie hold on even through the screams and the yelling police, why didn’t he just let go?† consider this story, a young child between the ages of 1 and 3 is found near his dead mother, holding on for dear life, and mentally Lennie was much the same way whenever he gets scared or frightened, he will hold on to it, you cannot blame the woman for her reaction, a big tall man grabbing onto her dress, she has every right to feel threatened, and as a result, Lennie gets George into trouble, and they have to spend the night in the ditch. On the farm, curly is picking fights; not only is he picking fights but he is picking fights that he can’t win, apart from his height, what exactly did Lennie do? He laughed, oh no, dear God, how will he survive? George was going to teach him a lesson, but he wanted Lennie, this time he went too far, Lennie didn’t want to fight curly, but he gave him no choice, he was scared and frightened, and once again, the mentality issue shines brightly, he grabs Curly’s hand and he doesn’t let go, he crushes every single bone in his hand, and again Lennie is portrayed as the â€Å"good guy†, what else could he do? The final matter is the matter of Curly’s wife’s death, this even if he is retarded, still classifies as murder, no matter how much they try to sugar coat it, it is still murder, and he pays for it with his own death, he gave George, his best friend, no other choice other than to kill him for his own good, his strength, has been the cause of all these problems right from the beginning, and although you can feel sorry for him, he should have had more common sense, he was retarded, and there is nothing you can do about that, but he should have learnt what was right and appropriate, and killing innocent people, even if it was manslaughter, is still bad. And so we are given an insight into the life of Lennie, we feel compassion for him and George, we have been positioned to draw this conclusion, well, you’d be hard pressed to try and prove he wasn’t wouldn’t you? It seams there is two cases of murder (not counting the various animal deaths) George isn’t the bad guy because he did what was best for Lennie, and Lennie wasn’t the bad guy because he is retarded.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Christine de pilan essays

Christine de pilan essays In the years 1364-1429 there was a great woman writer by the name of Christine de Pisan. This woman wrote great works including her most famous The City of Ladies in which she questions Lady of Reasoning. In this book, she also questioned the importance of the male. She also reasoned that men were not more intelligent than women as people in that period assumed, that when Eve ate the forbidden apple she was doing something great for all kind because as she did that man was being taken with God, and that women are not as skilled as men because they are told that their job is to run a household. Women were not given the same Without such books women might not have gotten to explore other options than only running a household. The world for women might still be oppressed. Men would still be against women doing anything besides running the house and mothering the children. Most women were not allowed to do such things as writing poetry or books, or be doctors or politicians. Many of the great women in history may have looked upon this book as a guide in order to use it to their advantage and to promote equality between the sexes. The meaning of this book is still evident in society today. We do now have equality thanks to the womens movement. Our jobs and home life are incredibly different now than they were thousands of years ago. We now hold many of the same jobs as men and we are sometimes better at it. Running a household is also different. Men are staying at home with the children and keeping house. There is no longer a barrier that states men are better than women. The women in this world are taking control of their lives instead of being told what to do. We should be thankful to Christine de Pisan for starting the womens movement back in 1405. The passage that I read from this book was very interesting. The diale ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Comparing a TQM Implementation in Toyota Motor Company and Emirates Airlines

Comparing a TQM Implementation in Toyota Motor Company and Emirates Airlines Introduction Management is the process where activities are coordinated in a business to meet an organization’s goals and objectives. In the changing world with competition, there is need to adopt policies and strategies that facilitate efficiency and effectiveness in all processes. Total quality management is a management tool which aims at ensuring that all processes in a business contribute positively to the overall conduct of the business.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Comparing a TQM Implementation in Toyota Motor Company and Emirates Airlines specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More TQM has both hard and soft parts. Soft parts consider the contribution of employees and the relations that they have with their employer. On the other hand, hard policies are more focused on physical assets which are used for production of goods and services (Paley 19). This paper will compare and contrast TQM policies a dopted by Toyota Motor Company and Emirates Airlines. Brief history of the Two Companies Both Toyota and Emirates Airlines are more or less in the same industry; transport industry. Emirates Airline is an international airline company that is spreading to various countries. Currently, it has over 100 destinations. It is the major airline in Middle East and the national airline for Dubai, Unites Arabs emirates. It is a sub-subsidiary of Dubai Investment Company, through The Emirates Group. The company was incorporated in the year 1985 as an international flight company and made the first flight to Dubai-Karachi on 25 October 1985. It was incorporated with the assistance of the government of Dubais royal family but the intervention of the government was limited. Toyota is a multinational company found in Japan and it is the leading automobile car makers and seller in the world. It was incorporated in 1937; its founder is Kiichiro Toyoda. According to fortune global survey 500 of 2008, it was the fifth largest company in the world. The company is structured in a no extra ordinary way and has departments like any other multinationals in the world; however the achievement of the company has made it different in performance a thing that proves that something extra happens. In 2008, it was able to surpass General motor company as the world largest automobile seller in the world. What has made the company go this far? The answer is in the quality of its management and the interaction of brand as well the loyalty that it derives from its customers. The number of employees in the company stands at 320,590 distributed in different parts of the world (Black 20).Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hard T.Q.M. Emirate Airlines operate in a fast changing air line industry where there has been an increased competition. One of the most recent is low c ost services. On the other hard, due to globalization, there has been an influx of international airline companies fighting for the same market. In the efforts of ensuring that the company has remained competitive, it has embarked on massive capital investments. By the year 1987, the company had expanded its destinations to reach eleven in total. It is one of the few start ups that recorded a break even at the first year of service. The earlier airline that operated in the area was Gulf airline; the airline was affected by the Gulf war and Emirate airline so enjoyed the benefit of all this. Being in the plane industry, the company has increased its number of planes and the sizes of the planes; those planes that carry passengers have been refurbished and made to look more modern. In the efforts of surviving low cost competition, the company has made large planes which are used to ferry a large portion of people; this helps in enjoying economies of scale and thus the company can opera te as a low cost. The company has embarked on massive research to ensure that it knows the expectations of its customers and align its service to the needs. It is opening up virgin areas with its operations and collaborations with airlines of other nations. Toyota Company has embarked on resource development especially in technology development. The technology has ensured that the company produces goods which are sensitive to the need of modern motor industry. The company produces one of the most efficient automobiles. The vehicles are also comfortable to compete with companies like Mercedes, BMW, and Fords among others. In the various countries, it has embarked on making warehouses and garages which handle their products in a professional manner (Hino 12). Soft TQMs Soft policies consider human resources of a company. It aims at empowering them conduct their business with efficiency and become more productive. Emirates Airlines has been increasing its employee base. It ensures that it trains its employees to make their services better. This is on current trends in business world and the changes that the industry is going through.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Comparing a TQM Implementation in Toyota Motor Company and Emirates Airlines specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the fiscal year that ended on March 2010, the company had employed a total of 36,652 employees all over the continent. The performance of the company has been on a gradual increase; in the year 2009/ 2010, the passengers that used the online were 27.4 million, up from 22.7 million reported in 2008–09, the load cargo in the same period increased by 12.2% to 1,580,000 tons up from 2008–09: 1,408,000 tons. Toyota Company has embarked on international fetching of employees. It employs from all over the world and maintains the team through appropriate appraisal and reward system. Graduates are integrated into the system by a graduate trainee procedure. This is where graduates undergo two year training in Toyota College before they are integrated in the system. When they get into the system, they continue with further on job training and only given targets after the trainers are aware that they can perform effectively. In making decisions, the company engages all staffs. This is where they give their field experiences and recommendations on varying issues (OConnor 44-56). Conclusion Total quality management (TQM) consists of competitive moves and business approaches aimed at producing successful performance; it is management’s â€Å"game plan† for running the business, strengthening a firm’s competitive position, satisfying the customers, the stakeholders, share holders, and the staffs. It seeks to develop the way into which all those that are a party to the business get satisfied. It aims at going a step further and satisfying the customers beyond their expectat ions. There is a lot of focus on the customer; the customer is the greatest asset that an organization can have. To get customers’ loyalty is every business dream and target. Comparing the Toyota and Emirates strategies, it is clear that both of them have adopted a TQM system which is acting to their advantage. They are both enjoying benefits brought about by TQM, which include efficiency in their processes, increased customer satisfaction, competitiveness, and customer satisfaction. Black, Richard. Organizational. Boston: Universal publishers, 2003.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hino, Satoshi. Inside the mind of Toyota: management principles for enduring growth. Tokyo: Productivity Press, 2006. OConnor, Patrick. Total Quality Management (Book). Quality Reliability Engineering International [serial online]. April 1989; 5(2):183. Paley, Norton. The managers guide to competitive marketing strategies. London: CRC Press. 1999

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cheapest auto insurance rates in El Paso

Cheapest auto insurance rates in El Paso This far western city in the state of Texas features a growing economy with towering skyscrapers, highways connecting different parts of Texas, beautiful driveways and tourist places that attract people from all over the world. So there is a lot of travelling going on in El Paso. Auto insurance is a must if you are living in El Paso. The state department of insurance requires all the cars to be insured. The minimum coverage requirement in El Paso is known as the 30/60/25 law. As per this law, you will be covered in three forms of insurance coverage. Individual bodily injury liability in which the company will pay a maximum of $30,000 to the person for injuries sustained in an accident. Second is total bodily injury liability whereby a total sum of $60,000 would be paid for all the persons seated in the car whi have been injured. The last is property damage liability whereby the company shall pay $25,000 for any damages caused to property. It is evident that being one of the biggest cities of Texas, Best Auto Insurance is a huge cost in El Paso. The average cost of insurance coverage in El Paso is higher as compared to the national average cost. So people are always looking forward to saving money in terms of insurance cost by opting for companies offering cheapest car insurance in El Paso. The rate of insurance prevailing in a city depends on a number of variables. One of these variables is the type and model of vehicle that is driven most in the city. According to research data, the most driven cars in El Paso include Ford, Chevrolet, Nissan Altima, Honda Accord and GMC Sierra. Apart from this, factors like number of accidents that take place in a city also determ ines insurance rate. As per ranking of safe driving, El Paso ranks as 50th city among 200 cities of the US which is not quite good ranking. Driving conditions in El Paso are also a bit difficult which lead to chances of accidents. Overall the weather in El Paso is hot and humid throughout the year. But when it rains, it can bring floods and thunderstorms, impairing the visibility of drivers. Road conditions are also not up to the mark and lead to accidents. Majority of roads are rated average or poor in condition. This leads to traffic congestion and accidents become a possibility. The amount of traffic rules violations prevailing in a city also impacts the rate of insurance. El Paso has some serious issues with drunk driving which the city aims to curb. Moreover, the high number of theft of vehicles also causes the average rate of insurance to go high in Texas. The good news for residents is that there are a number of companies from which you can shop ariud and get the cheapest auto insurance rate in El Paso. Some of these are Allstate, Farmers, GEICO, Progressive and USAA. These are the top insurance companies in El Paso that offer the cheapest auto insurance rate.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Practical Dementia Care Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Practical Dementia Care - Research Paper Example The researcher states that considering patient’s physique and cerebral impairment, the following NANDA nursing diagnoses were formulated: 1. Nutritional insufficiency related to cognitive impairment (dementia) as demonstrated by weight of 45 kilograms, poor consumption of food and drinks, and emaciated appearance. 2. Impaired physical mobility related to cognitive impairment as demonstrated by unsteady gait. 3. Alteration of protective mechanisms related to malnutrition as evidenced by paper thin skin and recurrence of urinary tract infection. 4. Risk of infection in urinary tract related to poor hygiene as demonstrated by very red and sore genitalia and history of urinary tract infections. 5. Risk of injury to skin related to malnutrition as demonstrated by emaciated appearance and paper-thin skin. 6. Risk of accident related to cognitive impairment (dementia) as evidenced by unsteady gait. Other nursing diagnoses that may be derived related to dementia are: (1) Impaired Verb al Communication related to cerebral impairment as demonstrated by altered memory, judgment, and word finding; (2) Bathing or Hygiene Self-Care Deficit related to cognitive impairment as demonstrated by inability to complete ADLs; and (3) Impaired Social Interaction related to cognitive impairment. Justification This study cited several identified nursing diagnosis, both actual and risk problems, taking into higher priority the actual problems related to nutrition and safety. Nutritional insufficiency related to cognitive impairment (dementia) is on the top of the list as it is under the basic physiologic needs of human. According to Maslow, the basic physiologic needs related to survival must be met first. This includes oxygen, water, food, sleep, shelter. Therefore, as Mrs. Archer fails to eat and drink adequately, she is depriving herself on the fulfilment of.   The author of the essay "Clinical reasoning case study" begins with the description of the case study and short overv iew of the ddementia "In the given situation, several problems regarding Mrs. Archer’s health status arise. The height was not mentioned to have a clearer view on the patient’s body mass index but the photo shows a dishevelled thin woman with sunken eyelids who appears weak and cold. It was stated that she is currently suffering from early stage of dementia manifesting her inability to perform basic activities of daily living such as eating and maintaining personal hygiene". The author discusses justification and sets the goals of the treatment. In the end he evaluates outcomes and gives his recommendations and prognosis. By the end of the six weeks nursing care, Mrs. Archer will be able to demonstrate progressive weight gain or stable body weight. Evaluation criteria will include some if not all of the following: 1. Complete six weeks weight monitoring record showing progress on patient’s weight heavier than 45 kilograms. 2. Creation of a meal plan according to patient’s preference and in congruence with her energy expenditure and metabolic rate.

Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate Essay

Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate - Essay Example To find out more about the effects of exercise on pulse rate and blood pressure, an experiment was conducted. It was done by using two participants. Despite having the same age and gender, Person 1 is a 24-year old male who is 57 tall and 140 pounds. On the other hand, Person 2 is a 24-year old male who is 510 tall and 195 pounds. To effectively study them, they were engaged in a mild exercise (10-minute walk) and vigorous exercise (10-minute jumping). By using appropriate materials, the pulse rate and blood pressure were measured before, during and after the experiment. The differences in the results were used to determine the effects of exercise on pulse rate and blood pressure. While conducting this experiment, many materials were used. These included a stopwatch and digital pulse cuff and blood pressure which were of course used for recording the results to determine the changes in the blood pressure and pulse rate realized so far. The stopwatch was used for measuring time. From the analysis of the results, it was established that the exercise had resulted into an increase in blood pressure as well as pulse rate. The more vigorous the exercise was, the more the change in pulse rate. Because of these changes, it took some time for everything to turn back to normal after the end of the experiment. From these findings, it is clear that physical exercise has a direct on the pulse rate of a human being. It is for this reason that the aforementioned changes were experienced when the experiment was carried out. However, as found out from the recordings, the degree of change in pulse rate directly depends on the intensity of the exercise that is conducted (Wohlfahrt and Farazdaghi 168). For instance, when the participants engaged in walking exercises, there was a slight change in their pulse rates. However, this was not the same when the participants got involved in more vigorous exercises such as jumping on a rope.  

Management of information technology Bachelor Essay

Management of information technology Bachelor - Essay Example And the study also mainly analyses the reality behind the privacy issue of the consumer. The study also concentrates on the supporting guidelines and practices in use for sustainable management to prevent the privacy concerns with RFID. RFID enables not only automatic supply chain data collection to improve inventory visibility and reduce stock outs at the retail level, it can also result in reduced need for manual handling, labor cost reductions, greater accuracy of shipments, and other benefits, (arcweb) RFID solutions provide real-time information by automatically detecting product movements throughout the distribution process. RFID technology provides real-time inventory visibility while minimizing the need for manual checks, allowing to: - The key to success in the retail RFID market depends on optimizing hardware, software and middleware roles and providing one-stop complete suites or solutions, which facilitate easy integration across the three domains," Shyam While RFID is reaching retailers across the revenue barrier, the high level of investment allows only the biggest retailers (typically $5 billion and above in revenues) to pilot and roll out the RFID technology in their stores and distribution centers, Shyam. The concepts of Distribution chain and logistics are closely connected in the context of raw materials, manufacturers, transporters, warehouses, retailers, and the customers themselves. The functions include the flow of information, and the transformation and delivery of goods from raw material stage through to the end user (Handfield and Nichols 1999 p. 2; Chopra and Meindl 2001, p. 3). Significant factors that determine the success of a supply chain and distribution outlets include process integration among the suppliers and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Explain how Germany has sought to have both some security and Essay

Explain how Germany has sought to have both some security and flexibility in its labour markets. Have these approaches been su - Essay Example Social security represents the employment security and social security. The purpose of this paper is to understand the concept of â€Å"flexicurity†. This concept relates to a positive relationship between the two aspects of labour market security and flexibility (Sauert, 2009). However, there are opposing views regarding the concept of flexicurity as well. According to authors like, Stanford and Vosco, increasing flexibility in labour markets is synonymous to decreasing flexibility (Rodgers, 2012). The aim of this paper is to study the context of labour market security and flexibility in Germany and the impact of it on the workforce, especially young workers. This paper also analyses the scenario of wage stagnation and mini jobs in Germany, owing to the labour market conditions. Flexibility and Security of Labour markets: Germany One of the key challenges of the member countries in the European Union is to strike the perfect balance between the flexibility and security of the labour market. The main action of policy makers in this regard has been to pass on the responsibility to the social partners. The underlying assumption in this case is that a well-balanced social dialogue leads to a well-balanced social market (Wilthagen, n.d.). ... In particular regard to Germany, the academic literature is more of a divided nature. One section of the academic fraternity believes that the labour flexibility in the German markets must increase as a precursor to reduce the high level of unemployment in the country. However, the emphasis of the government has been more on increasing the income and job security (Wilthagen, Tros and Lieshout, 2003). Regarding the flexibility status, Germany maintains a vision of internal numerical flexibility. Flexibility of working hours and reduction of overtime continues to be one of the most important policy considerations for the future. Over the recent years, the German Labour market has undergone a great degree of transformation, after suffering great levels of unemployment, both structural and long-term, for decades. The level of difficulty was higher for the unemployed workers as they found it difficult to enter the labour market. Since 2000, the introduction of reforms in the labour market s had widely changed the employment structure in the German labour market. Germany had mainly structured its policy around flexicurity, which aimed at less generous benefit system and lower level of protection against dismissal. The flexicurity model employed by Germany mainly relied on developing a well-built social security system, which structured the labour market policies in a way that would employ the people without jobs. The successful reform package of Germany can be traced to the introduction of reforms by Hartz in between 2002-2005 (Federal Republic of Germany, 2004) and Agenda 2010. The key feature has been to employ the job seekers and enhance the flexibility of labour markets. The main recommendations of the Hartz commission have been

Legalization of Marijuana in the USA Research Paper

Legalization of Marijuana in the USA - Research Paper Example Firstly, it is the drug’s therapeutic effect and a range of implications that make it so valuable. Using cannabis for medical purposes is nothing new. Indeed, the first written references of its medical usage date back more than five thousand years ago. THC in marijuana helps to relieve pain, reduce nausea and promote appetite. In 2010, the Congressional Research Service report indicated that marijuana has positive effects on patients with chronic diseases. In Michigan, for instance, cannabis is used in the treatment of glaucoma and hepatitis C, while in Rhode Island physicians prescribe it for patients with HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and cancer. Medical marijuana is highly applicable to relieving various disease-related disorders such as muscle spasticity, nausea, anxiety, and chronic pain. Moreover, marijuana is not as addictive as one might believe. In fact, only 9% of marijuana users become addicted, compared to 15% alcohol drinkers and 32% smokers (Welsh). Secondly, ke eping marijuana illegal is expensive. It is hard to believe, but current marijuana policies cost taxpayers as much as 42 billion dollars per year (Hardy). For instance, Utah laws state that possession of an ounce of cannabis and less can lead to six months in jail. The laws also enforce taxpayers to cover expenses for every individual who is imprisoned for the use, possession, or distribution of marijuana. As it has been estimated in a Harvard study, nearly 7 billion dollars are spent annually on catching marijuana offenders (Miron). On the contrary, if cannabis were legalized and taxed like other commercial goods, the federal government would receive huge amounts of money that then could be used for other important social needs. Overall, the tax revenues drawn from marijuana would exceed 8 billion dollars annually if taxed like alcohol or tobacco (Fairchild). Furthermore, legalization of marijuana would boost the emergence of a highly lucrative industry and create job opportunities .

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management of information technology Bachelor Essay

Management of information technology Bachelor - Essay Example And the study also mainly analyses the reality behind the privacy issue of the consumer. The study also concentrates on the supporting guidelines and practices in use for sustainable management to prevent the privacy concerns with RFID. RFID enables not only automatic supply chain data collection to improve inventory visibility and reduce stock outs at the retail level, it can also result in reduced need for manual handling, labor cost reductions, greater accuracy of shipments, and other benefits, (arcweb) RFID solutions provide real-time information by automatically detecting product movements throughout the distribution process. RFID technology provides real-time inventory visibility while minimizing the need for manual checks, allowing to: - The key to success in the retail RFID market depends on optimizing hardware, software and middleware roles and providing one-stop complete suites or solutions, which facilitate easy integration across the three domains," Shyam While RFID is reaching retailers across the revenue barrier, the high level of investment allows only the biggest retailers (typically $5 billion and above in revenues) to pilot and roll out the RFID technology in their stores and distribution centers, Shyam. The concepts of Distribution chain and logistics are closely connected in the context of raw materials, manufacturers, transporters, warehouses, retailers, and the customers themselves. The functions include the flow of information, and the transformation and delivery of goods from raw material stage through to the end user (Handfield and Nichols 1999 p. 2; Chopra and Meindl 2001, p. 3). Significant factors that determine the success of a supply chain and distribution outlets include process integration among the suppliers and

Legalization of Marijuana in the USA Research Paper

Legalization of Marijuana in the USA - Research Paper Example Firstly, it is the drug’s therapeutic effect and a range of implications that make it so valuable. Using cannabis for medical purposes is nothing new. Indeed, the first written references of its medical usage date back more than five thousand years ago. THC in marijuana helps to relieve pain, reduce nausea and promote appetite. In 2010, the Congressional Research Service report indicated that marijuana has positive effects on patients with chronic diseases. In Michigan, for instance, cannabis is used in the treatment of glaucoma and hepatitis C, while in Rhode Island physicians prescribe it for patients with HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and cancer. Medical marijuana is highly applicable to relieving various disease-related disorders such as muscle spasticity, nausea, anxiety, and chronic pain. Moreover, marijuana is not as addictive as one might believe. In fact, only 9% of marijuana users become addicted, compared to 15% alcohol drinkers and 32% smokers (Welsh). Secondly, ke eping marijuana illegal is expensive. It is hard to believe, but current marijuana policies cost taxpayers as much as 42 billion dollars per year (Hardy). For instance, Utah laws state that possession of an ounce of cannabis and less can lead to six months in jail. The laws also enforce taxpayers to cover expenses for every individual who is imprisoned for the use, possession, or distribution of marijuana. As it has been estimated in a Harvard study, nearly 7 billion dollars are spent annually on catching marijuana offenders (Miron). On the contrary, if cannabis were legalized and taxed like other commercial goods, the federal government would receive huge amounts of money that then could be used for other important social needs. Overall, the tax revenues drawn from marijuana would exceed 8 billion dollars annually if taxed like alcohol or tobacco (Fairchild). Furthermore, legalization of marijuana would boost the emergence of a highly lucrative industry and create job opportunities .

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Roles in Our Everyday Life Essay Example for Free

Roles in Our Everyday Life Essay In our everyday life, every person plays or carries more than one role. Our lives have become demanding. One role would not accomplish our goals from day to day. Carrying different roles also will mold us into stronger, more independent individuals. Each role is different and carries its challenges. Three roles that I carry are a parent, a wife, and a child. I would say out of these three roles being a mother is the most difficult and challenging. First role and most important role to me is being a mother. As a mother I have to care for my children’s needs, safety, health concerns, and daily needs. My children are my life, which is why it is the most important role. To care for a child and provide for their needs is demanding and stressful. I have learned how to juggle between what they need constantly and balance my other roles and accomplish my goals. The best tool to succeed in carrying different roles as a mother is multi-tasking. A mothers’ full day of work is getting my children up and ready for school on time. Help them with homework questions. Install morals and the difference between wrong and right. Encourage them to make correct decisions when I am not there. Help them understand life may not be fair and things may not go our way but we learn from our mistakes and move on. Being a mother has made me a stronger person, more independent, and more understanding and passionate. Children have a way of breaking the person we are and molding us into the way we should be. An example would be my daughter has asthma and her health condition requires complete and constant care. Caring for or stopping an asthma attack while helping my other children requires prioritizing to obtain the best outcome. A mother can balance school functions, doctor appointments, cooking dinner, paying bills, shopping, cleaning the house, laundry, as well as other roles we play. All of the demands for a mother also fall in the same category as a wife which is our next role. Being a wife has taught me having a companion, partner; friend in life can also be a challenge. Couples will have disagreements, but being role models are a crucial part of life. You also have to become familiar with the person you commit too. You learn their likes and dislike, as well as, what kind of person they are. Marriage is a never-ending learning experience. An example is being there for my husband in sickness/health, supporting his career; or simply standing behind him in all things. This includes even at time when he may be wrong. Behind every good man is a good woman. A perfect example of this is my husband is a veteran. He served his time in the military and school and works to provide for our family. During the time he was in the military we were never in one location, I did not complain I supported him in his duty to our country. Although, his service to our country; required him to leave his family, to be deported to Afghanistan. He was fighting for our freedom and rights. My husband may not have been around at times when I needed him but he was there in mind, spirit and heart which is what pulled me through the difficult time of deployment. Again, this is another role that molded me into a more independent and stronger individual. My final role in life is being a child. It is funny we start out as a child, grow into adults, become parents; but we will always remain mommy or daddy’s little girl/boy. When we are growing up we don’t think about getting in trouble or the consequences. When we become parents we look back and appreciate what our parents taught us so we may pass it on to our children. Our parents care for us as we are children then the roles reverse and we care for our parents when we are older. Now that I look back I can see me in my mothers’ eyes. I think back when I was a child and remember how hard it was for my mother to care for me and my siblings and the roles she played in my childhood. One challenge as a child I remember my mother faced, was when I was 11 months old and my mother cared for me, my sister, and my brother after losing my dad. It brought more challenges for her and more roles as a woman, and mother. My mother has always said things in life happen for a reason, we don’t understand why but in the end everything works out for the best. I can remember my mother caring for her children, working to provide for us, caring for our everyday needs while sacrificing her needs. My mother has showed my through life you do the best you can, always be yourself, and stick to your morals. With this advice you can go anywhere and be anything in life you set your mind too. Now that I am a mother, wife, and my mother’s child I get to apply the lessons she has taught us to my roles. Full filing many different roles in life is challenging, hard, complicated, and may be stressful. We learn in life to handle these as they come along and our end result is something we hold the result too. Through life we can offer advice, recommendations, and support to our children who will have a challenging life ahead of them with today’s society and its steady decline. In the end, I would not take anything for the life, lessons, morals, support, and journey I have walked but look back and be proud of the individual I have accomplished.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Soviet Montage Theory Film Essay

Soviet Montage Theory Film Essay Eisentein describe montage is one of the editing style of discontinuity in graphic qualities which means how the filmmakers combine together all the different shots sizes in different camera angle by using the editing suite with the force of powerful narrative. Eisenstein held that proper film continuity should not proceed smoothly,but through a series of shocks. Whenever possible, he tried to create some kind of visual conflict or discontinuity between two shots with the goal of creating a jolt in the spectators psyche. The visual explosions on the screen were intended to create a continual source of stimulants or shocks to keepthe audience wide awake. The dynamics of montage serve as impulses driving forward the total film,Eisentein wrote. Juxtaposition of shots of high visual contrast will create conflict in storyline. Besides, soviet montage can also create the dramatic impact that will broke all the rules of smooth, invisible editing of the Classical Hollywood style. As the result, this theory can make sure the visual could create the impact esspecialy to manipulate emotion of the audiences. This is because by using the technique of juxtaposed the shot, different scene or situation can be shown at the same time and at the different location. Sometime juxtaposed could become as a cross-cutting. In the film Perempuan, Isteri dan .. which directed by U-Wei Hj Shaari is one of the film that can be classify as the film that been using soviet montage theory in their editing. This theory that being used in their editing can be prove by looking at the scene A which the character of the husband cast by Nasir Bilal Khan was repairing the tyre of his lorry that explodes and replacing the tyre by using the spare tyre. Whereas in the scene B, the character of the wife cast by Sofia Jane were in the bush looks like doing something with another man. In the visual we could see the cutting point of the this two scenes actually happen in the same time but different location. We can see that through the editing technic, this film has manipulated audiences emotion. Realism is another technic of editing which being started by Andre Bazin. He was one of the influential French film critic and film theorist. In his perspective that film should try to view what is just related to reality because for him when watching a movie or a film we as the audiences should be shown the reality of the world. Just like he said, he depicted that what he saw as objective reality. We can see what is the meaning of objective reality is just same as documentaries and Italian-Neorealism school which the directors are usually invisible just like Howard Hawk. Besides, Bazin also have started and expand the meaning and the uses of deep focus, wide shot and the technic of shot-in-depth. In this era of Bazin theory of realism which being used by some of the directors such as Orson Welles and Jean Renoir are usually referred to true continuity that we can see through mise-en-scene which done by doing experiments in the editing process and visual effects. Through Bazins theor y, he try to emphasize how the cinema actually manipulate reality. Concerntrate more on objective reality, lack of montage and the using of deep focus are related to interpretation of a film or a scene that should be left to the spectator. This is to make sure that all of the people in the groups that watching the movie, understand and try to feel what is the director trying to share and tells the audiences through his film. Bazin also believe that film actually represent personal visions of the director which known as personalism. Furthermore, Bazin also known as appreciative criticism. Film which directed by arwah Yasmin Ahmad usually used the theory of Andre Bazin. In her film we can see that how he try to potray the reality in our real life and the reality that we see in the film through the lense of the camera looks like what we see and facing in the real life. As the example we can see through the film that directed by arwah Yasmin Ahmad Mukhsin in the scene where the main character Mukhsin was dreaming that he is flying when he sitting at the bench near the paddy field. For this scene, arwah Yasmin using a long take to view the beauty of the paddy field and also she try to show how long actually we as a human will take when we are dreaming and at the same time actually we imagine anything that may be we cannot do in our real life. Another example we can see in the film Gubra regarding to the scene that shows long take of a kampungs house. This technique such as long take being done with its own reason which the meaning is about showing the panoramic view of th e house and the kampung. Realism is about less editing in the film and it is focusing more on realistic aesthetic in film.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Rome Essay -- History, Architecture

Early Rome was an architecturally diverse place. For the first centuries after its founding all the people of Rome lived in very simple huts devoid of any significant meaning. But during the rule under the Etruscans, they learned how to build more complex structures with specific purposes such as a sacred place where a god can be thought to dwell. Etruscan buildings cannot be seen though without Greek architectures’ indelible mark. Through the Etruscans, Rome learned how to build huge and complex structures where before that knowledge did not exist. This period of Roman architecture can be defined along with Rome’s governmental development. Republican Rome began in 509 B.C. and with it entered the beginning of Rome’s architectural greatness. â€Å"With the expulsion of the Etruscan kings Rome was free to shape her own destinies† (Sear 14). Since Rome was not restrained because of its conquerors it was free to create whatever they wished, however they wanted. While there was still a heavy Greek influence, a style developed that was distinctly Roman, but as Rome conquered nations across the Mediterranean Sea it absorbed their styles of building and it was shown in the buildings of their capital. Imperial Rome saw the highest and lowest point in Rome’s history. But during this time an enormous number of innovative and massive structures were built that defined Rome as the dominant power in the ancient world. During this time Rome reworked its earlier principles to be used in the government and religious buildings. Cement also played an important role in the ability to construct complex domes and ornate arches. Another major change that occurred was the extensive use of marble in construction, unlike earlier brick buildings.... ...ed the small farming village on the banks of the Tiber into a thriving city. Throughout the Republic of Rome, advances were made in complexity and design alongside the introductions to new cultures during Rome’s conquests. These conquests gave Rome the wealth and inspiration needed to create its massive buildings. All through the Empire, magnificent and colossal buildings were built which reflected the height of Roman power and wealth. â€Å"It is said of Augustus that he found Rome a city built of bricks but left it a city built of marble† (Clayton 22). This is very true of how Rome was rebuilt during its time as an empire and the dominant power in the world. From beginning to end, the Roman concept of architecture was based on shaping matter around space, and this only changed in complexity and in meaning, but never changed the foundation upon which it was built.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

west side stadium :: essays research papers

West Side Stadium   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a lot of controversy over the plans for a new West Side stadium. The mayor says the stadium is necessary to win the honor of being the Host City for the 2012 Olympics. The stadium will also be home of the Jets. His opinion is that the stadium would do nothing but good for the city despite criticism from people saying the money should be added to the education budget. I believe the stadium should be built.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One thing that the stadium would do that I feel is important is that if we were to get the Olympics it would give the world something besides 9/11 when they think of New York. That is very important to me because I am tired of every time I’m on a trip some one telling me there sorry when they find out I live in New York. The money the Olympics will bring into the city will also be pretty substantial. It could really help to boost the economy. There will be many wealthy people visiting the city, some for the very first time. Athletes but trainers, hardcore fans, camera crews and reporters from all over the world. Their personal spending alone will probably add up to at least a million dollars. The West Side stadium is a terrific idea for a lot of other reasons as well. The West Side stadium project will create hundreds of jobs bringing down the unemployment rate. Which is especially good in a city that has had an on going problem with its unemployment rate. The West Side Stadium will also put an end to the monopoly that cablevision has over sports entertainment in this city. The same company that funds the ads bad mouthing the mayor and the plans for a West Side Stadium.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How Thesis Statements Work In Your Writing

Writing in college often takes the form of persuasion—convincing others that you have an interesting, logical point of view on the subject you are studying. Persuasion is a skill you practice regularly in your daily life. You persuade your roommate to clean up, your parents to let you borrow the car, your friend to vote for your favorite candidate or policy. In college, course assignments often ask you to make a persuasive case in writing. You are asked to convince your reader of your point of view. This form of persuasion, often called academic argument, follows a predictable pattern in writing.After a brief introduction of your topic, you state your point of view on the topic directly and often in one sentence. This sentence is the thesis statement, and it serves as a summary of the argument you’ll make in the rest of your paper. WHAT IS A THESIS STATEMENT? A thesis statement: tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discuss ion. is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself.The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel. makes a claim that others might dispute. is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation. If your assignment asks you to take a position or develop a claim about a subject, you may need to convey that position or claim in a thesis statement near the beginning of your draft.The assignment may not explicitly state that you need a thesis statement because your instructor may assume you will include one. When in doubt, ask your instructor if the assignment requires a thesis statement. When an assignment asks you to analyze, to interpret, to compare and contrast, to demonstrate cause and effect, or to take a stand on an issue, it is likely that you are being asked to develop a thesis and to support it persuasively. (Check out our handout on understanding assignments for more information. ) HOW DO I GET A THESIS?A thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between known facts (such as surprising contrasts or similarities), and think about the significance of these relationships. Once you do this thinking, you will probably have a â€Å"working thesis,† a basic or main idea, an argument that you think you can support with evidence but that may need adjustment along the way.Writers use all kinds of techniques to stimulate their thinking and to help them clarify relationships or comprehend the broader significance of a topic and arrive at a thesis statement. For more ideas on how to get started, see our handout on brainstorming. HOW DO I KNOW IF MY THESIS IS STRONG? If there’s time, run it by your instructor or make an appointment at the Writing Center to get some feedback. Even if you do not have time to get advice elsewhere, you can do some thesis evaluation of your own. When reviewing your first draft and its working thesis, ask yourself the following: Do I answer the question?Re-reading the question prompt after constructing a working thesis can help you fix an argument that misses the focus of the question. Have I taken a position that others might challenge or oppose? If your thesis simply states facts that no one would, or even could, disagree with, it’s possible that you are simply providing a summary, rather than making an argument. Is my the sis statement specific enough? Thesis statements that are too vague often do not have a strong argument. If your thesis contains words like â€Å"good† or â€Å"successful,† see if you could be more specific: why is something â€Å"good†; what specifically makes something â€Å"successful†?Does my thesis pass the â€Å"So what? † test? If a reader’s first response is, â€Å"So what? † then you need to clarify, to forge a relationship, or to connect to a larger issue. Does my essay support my thesis specifically and without wandering? If your thesis and the body of your essay do not seem to go together, one of them has to change. It’s o. k. to change your working thesis to reflect things you have figured out in the course of writing your paper. Remember, always reassess and revise your writing as necessary. Does my thesis pass the â€Å"how and why? † test?If a reader’s first response is â€Å"how? † or â₠¬Å"why? † your thesis may be too open-ended and lack guidance for the reader. See what you can add to give the reader a better take on your position right from the beginning. EXAMPLES Suppose you are taking a course on 19th-century America, and the instructor hands out the following essay assignment: Compare and contrast the reasons why the North and South fought the Civil War. You turn on the computer and type out the following: The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some different.This weak thesis restates the question without providing any additional information. You will expand on this new information in the body of the essay, but it is important that the reader know where you are heading. A reader of this weak thesis might think, â€Å"What reasons? How are they the same? How are they different? † Ask yourself these same questions and begin to compare Northern and Southern attitudes (perhaps you first think, †Å"The South believed slavery was right, and the North thought slavery was wrong†).Now, push your comparison toward an interpretation—why did one side think slavery was right and the other side think it was wrong? You look again at the evidence, and you decide that you are going to argue that the North believed slavery was immoral while the South believed it upheld the Southern way of life. You write: While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions. Now you have a working thesis!Included in this working thesis is a reason for the war and some idea of how the two sides disagreed over this reason. As you write the essay, you will probably begin to characterize these differences more precisely, and your working thesis may start to seem too vague. Maybe you decide that both sides fought for moral reasons, and that they just focused on different moral issues. You end up revising the working thesis into a final thesis that really captures the argument in your paper: While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny  and oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own right to self-government.Compare this to the original weak thesis. This final thesis presents a way of interpreting evidence that illuminates the significance of the question. Keep in mind that this is one of many possible interpretations of the Civil War—it is not the one and only right answer to the question. There isn’t one right answer; there are only strong and weak thesis statements and strong and weak uses of evidence. Let’s look at another example.Suppose your literature professor hands out the following assignment in a class on the American novel: Write an analysis of some aspect of Mark Twain’s novel Huckleberry Finn. â€Å"This will be easy,† you think. â€Å"I lo ved Huckleberry Finn! † You grab a pad of paper and write: Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn is a great American novel. Why is this thesis weak? Think about what the reader would expect from the essay that follows: you will most likely provide a general, appreciative summary of Twain’s novel. The question did not ask you to summarize; it asked you to analyze.Your professor is probably not interested in your opinion of the novel; instead, she wants you to think about whyit’s such a great novel—what do Huck’s adventures tell us about life, about America, about coming of age, about race relations, etc.? First, the question asks you to pick an aspect of the novel that you think is important to its structure or meaning—for example, the role of storytelling, the contrasting scenes between the shore and the river, or the relationships between adults and children. Now you write: In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain develops a contrast between life on t he river and life on the shore.Here’s a working thesis with potential: you have highlighted an important aspect of the novel for investigation; however, it’s still not clear what your analysis will reveal. Your reader is intrigued, but is still thinking, â€Å"So what? What’s the point of this contrast? What does it signify? † Perhaps you are not sure yet, either. That’s fine—begin to work on comparing scenes from the book and see what you discover. Free write, make lists, jot down Huck’s actions and reactions. Eventually you will be able to clarify for yourself, and then for the reader, why this contrast matters.After examining the evidence and considering your own insights, you write: Through its contrasting river and shore scenes, Twain’s Huckleberry Finn suggests that to find the true expression of American democratic ideals, one must leave â€Å"civilized† society and go back to nature. This final thesis statement p resents an interpretation of a literary work based on an analysis of its content. Of course, for the essay itself to be successful, you must now present evidence from the novel that will convince the reader of your interpretation.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Country Labor Laws Essay

Labor laws or employment laws are a collection of laws, organizational rulings, and precedents which address the lawful rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees (Chilumpha 2004). However, there are two broad categories of labor law the first being the collective labor laws relating to the three way relationship between the employee, the employer and the labor union. Secondly are the individual labor laws concerning the employees’ rights at work and through the contract for work. These are therefore the various and distinct levels of labor laws that should exist in every economy or state; laws that govern the conduct of an individual and laws that govern the conduct of many at one go (Chilumpha 2004). But both the individual and the group are one and the same thing, therefore both laws govern the conduct of an employee and an employee falls into both categories, he is an individual within a group of workers. This paper will establish the difference in the labor laws between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Federal Republic of Germany. To begin with the two states are located in different regions; Germany is among the founding members of the European Union its laws are therefore govern by a strict code of regulation, it should suite the region and not only the state (Eurofound 2009). UAE on the other hand is regulated in the Middle East; it is a huge financial centre in the Middle East and therefore has a lot of instances where foreigners come within its economy, same with Germany. Religion is the other factor that has to be considered. The UAE is an Islamic state; Muslim way of life is therefore engrained in all aspects of the society including its system of Law; labor laws are no exception (Cotran 2006). Germany on the other hand is guided by social laws constructed to fit the needs of the society. Religious biases are therefore not considered within the Germany labor laws. On one hand we have the Federal Republic of Germany, with its Agenda 2010. Germany has for sometime aimed at an inclusive reform of the German labor market with regard to labor laws, changes are being made notably concerning the protection against dismissal and limited-term employment contracts (see Part 1, II, 3 and 7c). For the first time, there is a standard legal claim to a severance payment but only under certain circumstances in the case of dismissals for redundancies. The new law entered into force as of 1 January 2004 onwards (Lorenz & Partners 2005). The labor laws within Germany are therefore notably updated to suite the times and the market also because it is within the EU means that the labor laws are to be of a certain standard as required by the EU codes of governance (Jung 2001). The United Arab Emirates also has labor laws; Labor matters in the UAE are governed by Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 regulating labor relations as amended by federal laws No. 24 of 1981, No. 15 of 1985 and No. 12 of 1986. There are particular labor related regulations applicable in some of the free zones in the UAE, such as the Jewel Ali Free Zone. Therefore it is notable that though the UAE is a regional financial center, its labor laws are not entirely updated as seen above; there is bound to a lot of labor changes within the system that should have required an update on the labor laws between the 1980’s and 2010. But both the German and UAE regulations have been established to protect the workers rights (Al Tamil & Advocates). According to Article 3 of the Law, the Law is applicable to all staff and employees working in the United Arab Emirates, whether they are nationals or expatriates. However, there are certain categories of individuals who are exempt from the laws as listed below: 1. Staff and workers employed by the national government, government departments of the member emirates, the municipalities, public bodies, federal and local public institutions and those staff and workers employed in federal and local governmental projects. 2. Members of the armed forces, police and security units. 3. Domestic servants/workers. 4. Agricultural workers and persons engaged in grazing of animals (this exemption does not include persons who are employed in corporations which process agricultural products and/or those who are permanently engaged in the operation or repair of machines required for agriculture). (Al Tamil & Advocates) The first clear distinction between the two labor laws is the omission of some of the UAE workers from the protection of the law; it will be assumed that they are covered using a different law and system. Different because may be it provides them with better terms than the rest of the citizenry may be but this distinction shows a clear disharmony within the system. The labor laws should be able to apply to all employees regardless of the profession or gender. The German laws have no such distinction showing a clear harmony in all workers of the state including those in the army (Lorenz & Partners 2005. In UAE it shows that there are some workers who receive preferential preferences; such inequalities are therefore harmful to the system. There are other distinctions that have been identified such as gender differences. While there are some distinctions according to gender and the amount of work one can do in general; such should not influence the type of career one is to pursue. In the UAE women can’t partake in certain careers; this is because of the religious aspect that is seen in most Islamic states (Labor Law UAE & Khasawneh and Associates 2008). There is therefore a clear distinction between the genders; while the German labor laws stipulate that the principle of equal treatment is laid down as a basic right of the German Constitution. Any discrimination on grounds of sex, race, nationality, handicap, religion, and political opinion and trade union activities is outlawed. In order to fulfill the obligations arising from EU directives, sections 611 A and 611 B of the German Civil Code were enacted in 1980 (Miller and Zumbans 2006). But there is a general agreement on the kinds of labor one can undertake; though not stipulated in the German codes, some careers are labor intensive and therefore many women are told not to engage in them for obvious reason. There are several similarities with the two codes; to begin with as stipulated above both have been constructed with the worker in mind. There are several degrees of effectiveness due to the various issues within the two states but both do protect the workers. The first similarity is on issues of employment of minors, on both codes the minimum age of employment is 15 years. No minor under the age of 15 years is supposed to work. The German code goes further to clarify that even those who are older but attend school should not be allowed to work until they are of age to start working (FedEE 2010). The UAE code stipulates the working conditions and working times to protect the minors from exploitation (Working in Germany 2010 & Khasawneh and Associates 2008). Secondly both codes have agreed on issues of work hours; the UAE codes states that the normal work hours per day is 8 with enough breaks in between to allow for recuperation, same with the German code. In both labor laws all the workers are subject to deductions such as tax to the state or as agreed within the organization. Such deductions are necessary to enable the state functions to continue for example the state protection of workers. As stated above, the United Arabs Emirates is considered a religious state; within the state everything is governed through Islamic principles. The labor laws also fall within the principles of Islam; a practicing Muslim is supposed to pray several times a day, the labor laws therefore have catered for that by ensuring the one gets enough breaks to fulfill this obligations. In the context of the UAE labor laws and all the other laws, the basic and fundamental structure is religion. The laws have been modified around the basis of Islam. There are some tendencies of negotiation through the established social system but all in all there is a lot of religious influence. On the other hand the German codes basic structure is the society through various processes such as collective agreement. The German republic is governed through social principles; social rules and procedures that protect all within the constitution equally. Such is the power of collective agreement. Some of the sources of German labor laws also include the European laws and collective agreements. In conclusion, the two states do have labor laws that protect the workers both at the individual level and the collective level. Though both have distinct similarities and differences on several levels, both codes have the interest of the worker at heart though with varying intensity and effectiveness. References: Al Tamimi & Company. (Nd). Labor Laws in the UAE. Retrieved on 11th May 2010. http://www. zu. ac. ae/library/html/UAEInfo/documents/UAELabourLaw. pdf. Chilumpha Cassim. (2004). Labor law. Blantyre, Malawi: Commercial Law Centre Cotran et al. (2006). Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern law. Vol. 10, 2003/2004. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. Eurofound. (2009). Labor Law Germany. Retrieved on 11th May 2010. http://www. eurofound. europa. eu/emire/GERMANY/LABOURLAW-DE. htm. Federation of European Employers (FedEE). (2010). National Labor Laws. Germany. Retrieved on 11th May 2010. http://www. fedee. com/natlaw. html#germany Jung Liliane. (2001). National Labor Law Profile: Federal Republic of Germany. ILO. Retrieved on 11th May 2010. http://www. ilo. org/public/english/dialogue/ifpdial/info/national/ger. htm. Khasawneh K & Associates. (2008). UAE: Employment Law. GMB Research. Retrieved on 11th May 2010. http://www. kslg. net/doc/UAE_Employment_Law_Khasawneh_Assoc_26Aug08. pdf. Labor Laws in the UAE. Company/Commercial Laws. Retrieved on 11th May 2010. http://www. angelfire. com/nv/sabu/UAE%20Labour%20Law. html. Lorenz & Partners. (2005). German Labor Law. News Letter No 24 (EN). Retrieved on 11th May 2010. http://www. lorenz. co. th/component/option,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid, 181/Itemid,6/lang,de/ Miller R. A. & Zumbansen P. (2006). Annual of German & European law. Volume II/III (2004/2005). New York; Oxford: Berghahn.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Analyzing Film Adaptations From Literature English Literature Essay

Analyzing Film Adaptations From Literature English Literature Essay To this date, the employment of adaptation theories to novels has yet to reach its true potentials’. Although The Harry Potter novel series are popularly known around the globe and has attained the world’s best seller status, sadly, there are not many critical studies relating to its adaptations. Most critics examine and evaluate each adaptation rigorously conforming to the principle of how faithful the adaptation remains to the text. This gives emphasis to the fundamental approach, fidelity. Hypothetically, a critic may naturally compare an adapted film to his or her own interpretation rather than to its source. In such a case, the critic’s view often contradicts with other critics, especially with a novel as complicated as Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. In other words, each reader tends naturally to â€Å"adapt† a book that he or she reads and then think of the novel in a certain way. â€Å"The novel tells the tale of a young wizardâ €  or, â€Å"The novel focuses on the wizardry society in a magical world† or a synthesis of any number of views. Each view, each reading or each adaptation-is unique and remarkable, and none of these perceptions can be considered right or wrong. These perceptions are similar to the ideas presented in a renowned film adaptation article entitled â€Å"The Resistance to Theory†, written by concept theorist Paul De Man. The idea presented by de Man concentrates on the bond between a text and its meaning, ultimately ascertaining that it is unfeasible to attain a definitive meaning for whichever text. De Man stresses that As we can see, adaptation is as old as the film itself and shows no indication of weakening. Greg Jenkins, one of the authors of Kubrick and the Art of Adaptation: Three Novels, Three Films, considers adaptation â€Å"as a presence that is woven into the very fabric of film culture† (Jenkins 8). Even though, Jenkins’s statement is in accor dance with the theory of adaptation but a definite theory does not exist. Scholars and critics constantly excogitate on adaptation, yet they don’t seem to reach a definite conclusion on what constitutes an adaptation to be a success or a failure. â€Å"[Adaptation] represents such a dark and enigmatic thread that it has elicited disparate and sometimes diametric opinions. Even among those who champion faithful adaptations, there is no clear formula concerning how generally to implement the procedure, or afterwards how to evaluate the procedure’s success or failure† (Jenkins 8). The predicament of adaptation depends on many external sources. Plagued by indefiniteness and uncertainties the field of adaptation constantly struggles to address questions such as what is an Author? Who is the author of this work? What is a Text? Which text should be given importance: the novel or the film? Should an adapted film be indebted to its source, if this is true then how is th is possible? Should a film remain faithful to its source? Is an adapted film merely a version of the source text or can it be perceived as an autonomous work of art? Over the years, these and many others questions have endlessly tormented the processes involved in the study adaptation.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Trust within EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Trust within EU - Essay Example There have been a number of things that make the EU members to mistrust each other. This is especially so between the older members and the new members. The fact that most of these countries in the EU have different standings on different issues such as the economic and judicial systems makes trust a serious issue in the EU. Those countries in the EU which are former communist members of the soviet have been accused of not being collaborative enough in implementing the right economic and the legal system. This has led to the mistrust which is in twofold. First, the older members of the EU do not trust the newer members, most of them having been former members of the Soviet Union. They feel that these newer members may not be desiring to bring in to the union as much as they should. The newer member states at the same time have also been mistrusting the older members because they feel that they may be taken advantage of, especially with regard to economic exploitation. This has led to high, tensions and this mistrust has led to the some of the members being suspended from the union. New members have been required to fully conform to EU standards (Lewis, 2000, p.116). At the same time, the role and mandate of EU in the region continue to change and increase (Woolcock, 2009, p.149). According to Molle (2006, p.12) all forms of integration requires some form of permanent agreement that will bind the different members together. These agreements scan lead to mistrust when some members feel that they are being put to a disadvantage. Mythology To be able to get the data regarding the issue of trust within the EU, the study will look for various sources of information ranging from the fallowing; Websites The issue of trust in the EU has been abundantly evident, and there are professional websites that have published and publicized the issue over time. Most professional websites have provided credible information about the issue and have also given enough data and statis tics regarding the factors that have made trust an issue. These statistics revolve around issues such as, democracy, economic systems, and the level of corruption, especially with regard to ex-communist members in the EU. These websites will provide useful and credible information with regard to the issue of trust. Books Since the EU was formed, a lot of authors, both academic and professional, have written about the issue of trust in the EU. These books tackle various topics ranging from economics to politics of the EU. Both positive and negative information has been written about the EU, and this provides a good research ground to understand the internal workings of the EU. Some have criticized the EU by saying that its goals are just big pink elephants that will never be realized. Similarly, there are those who have given praise to the union and see it as a savoir in the European continent. These books will provide a good research foundation for this study. Journals and magazines Journals and magazines have also published information about the EU since it was formed. The current issues of trust within the union have been a difficult topic covered by the many journals and magazines available. These journals and magazines also provide good insights and understanding about the issue o