Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Age Of Reason Or Known As The Enlightenment - 1189 Words

Before the Romantic Movement it was the Age of Reason or commonly known as the Enlightenment period. The Enlightenment was a period of scientific rationalization and scientific methods, it was an advanced way of observing the world. This time period rejected the idea’s of the church and celebrated the rational mind. Many of the enlightenment thinkers, â€Å" believed in rationalism and trusted human reason to solve the many problems of life and society, and emphasized reason, science, and respect for humanity (69 Apush ).† Enlightenment thinkers adopted the ideas of John Locke, who, emphasized on natural rights. However, in the early nineteenth century Romantic Movement began in art and literature. This movement focused on intuition and individualism. Romantics of this era did not believe in organized institution, such as, church. governmental bodies, and more importantly they rejected the idea science methods and rational approach to understanding life. Instead,  " Romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal... (sparknote).† However, one theme was most common, individualism. Individualism is, â€Å" †¦ political and social philosophy that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual (Lukes).† Along with this, the Romantic movement came with a wave of romantic writers, such as, John Stuart Mill. Mill in particular identified with self-consciousness or individualism. His concept of individualism presented itself in his writings,Show MoreRelated Age of Reason Essay example1161 Words   |  5 Pages An Age of Reason â€Å"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.† This brief quotation was spoken by the famous writer and philosopher Voltaire; I believe it vaguely points out that some people are full of absurd ideas, and for others to follow such nonsense is foolish. 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