Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover. This Being Said, In Raymond

Never judge a book by its cover. This being said, in Raymond Carver’s â€Å"Cathedral,† there are three main characters; the narrator, his wife, and their guest of honor, Robert. He is visiting the narrator’s wife after the passing of his own beloved wife, Beulah. Prior to their meet, the Narrator, is terribly jealous of Robert. He has grown tired of his wife consistently talking about this blindman who she used to assist with his work. She tells the Narrator that before her second marriage, Robert placed his hands on her face and it was the most sensational feeling ever. His visit brings an unwelcoming comfortability for the Narrator. How can someone be so jealous of another’s friendship? Robert is the epitome of a short story character. He†¦show more content†¦Wisdom comes with time and the blind. Robert is very keen to reply when the narrator jokingly asks, â€Å"what side of the train did you sit on coming from New York?† (89). His re ply, ironically enough, was â€Å"the right side† (89). The narrator wasn’t expecting him to know which side was the more scenic side of the train since he was blind. Later on in the story, the narrator’s wife told Robert that, â€Å"she wants him to feel comfortable in this house† (89). Robert could sense that she was just looking out for him since her husband was being so rude. Robert knew that the joking around from the Narrator meant he was uncomfortable around Robert. After a few hours had passed by he tries to interact with the narrator. While listening to the TV, Robert asks the Narrator , â€Å"Are the paintings on the Cathedral frescoes?† (94). The question startles the narrator because he couldn’t believe that he knew what a fresco painting looked like. He didn’t even know what a fresco looks like himself. Then Robert asks the narrator to describe the cathedral to him. After attempting the narrator says â€Å"I’m no t doing very well am I?† (95). That’s when Robert knew how complacent the Narrator was with his life. The hopelessness in his words were unimaginable. The Narrator could not accept change. The reason for such a scene of guidance is to show the narrator that there is hope for him. and to not be afraid of change. ThatShow MoreRelatedLife Lessons In To Kill A Mockingbird Essay849 Words   |  4 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird Essay In this essay I will explain how three children named Scout, Jem, and Dill absorb some life lessons throughout the story. In this story two major things taught these kids life lessons, one of them would be Boo Radley a man who had his life stolen by his father who was a radical Christian, and the second would be the false rape charge against a black man named Tom Robinson. Also poverty and racism played a part too in teaching lessons. 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As the leader says one line, the entire church will repeat it in a chorus. Additionally, the reverend would ask God to help the ill, but rather than saying that generally, he focuses on more specific cases. 4. Why does Cal speak one way around colored people and another way around white people? Is she being honest or hypocritical in what she does? Explain. Cal is only being honest because she doesRead MoreStudy Guide Questions With Scout s And Jem s Father1972 Words   |  8 Pagescould read 5. Why did Scout rub Walter Cunningham s nose in the dirt? Scout got into more trouble with Ms. Fisher because she stood up for Walter 6. Scout said, He ain t company, Cal, he s just a Cunningham. What did she mean by that, and what was Cal s answer? She meant that he’s not really anything, he’s not that important and Cal said that he is guest and that he is a guest and scout must be respectful 7. What two mistakes did Miss Caroline make on the first day of school? 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Rising action Scout and Dill one summer meet Dill The three kids act out skits and Dill becomes fascinated with the Radley house Scout and Jem tell Dill how Boo has not come out in years Dill reutrns homeRead MoreTheme Of Good And Evil By Harper Lee2401 Words   |  10 PagesThe book ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ written by Harper Lee is known as a classic book that is extremely relevant in today’s society as it explores themes that are experienced today which, makes the novel timeless. This book is written through a child’s eye better known as Scout, however still keeping it in an adult’s perspective through the complex structure and storyline. ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ is a deep explanation of the conflict that occurred between different people in the small city of Alabama

Monday, December 16, 2019

Advances in Technologies that impacted on Policing Free Essays

The police have originated from many years ago coming up with new technology to make the people the serve safe. Police officers made a change to patrol on foot to actual patrol cars. They have made it so nobody has to wait for a call to no were crimes is , they have two way radios always strapped around them. We will write a custom essay sample on Advances in Technologies that impacted on Policing or any similar topic only for you Order Now And they also made it to where as though they have lab tops in every patrol car to look up any information when ever they need to. So the police have came from a lot to be able to increase a way to make there jobs easier. The patrol car has been an excellent use to the police officers with catching suspects. Due to patrol car there are more eyes around the area that we live in, they are able to drive to the crime scene quicker to help someone who may be in serious danger. Without the patrol cars a lot of people would be getting away with all types of crime. Due to the fact that not every cop out there is fit or in shape so people could take the cops on foot and get away because they know the streets so well. That’s another reason why the patrol cars have been a good source to pick up crimes. Two way radios have been a major impact on how the patrol officers know where there any type of disturbance in the area that they are patrolling; due to the two ways radio an operator can specifically call on the patrol unit that is around the area where there is disturbance or were anyone is breaking the law. Without the radios a police officers wouldn’t be able to call for back up whenever they need it or some assistance. They also wouldn’t be able to call in if someone is dying and in need of an ambulance or a fire. One of the most brilliant technologies that the police officers have in the patrol cars is the lab tops. The lab tops are basically another operator for them when patrol officers want to look up information for themselves, they can also write out there police reports on there so that all grammar can the on point. On the lab tops they can also look at anyone’s file to see if they need to be taken when being pulled over or any outside action for example if a cop looks up your profile and if you have a warrant out for your arrest. They can arrest you right there in your presence because the lab tops have that type of information on them. Technology has been a major impact on how crimes have went down in the past years. Due to these three new enforces criminals are off the street on the patrol is on the watch more. If it weren’t for these new gadgets the criminal and civil laws would be broken, and a lot of things going bad. The arrest rate would go down and the criminals in the streets would take over and do as they please. How to cite Advances in Technologies that impacted on Policing, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Worlds Wife Little Red-Cap free essay sample

This point is further elucidated by Michael Woods who stated ‘the poet fuses these ideas to reinforce the unremitting nullity that is forced upon many women when they are required to take a mans name in place of their own. In fact, the central theme of The Worlds Wife is encapsulated in this critique upon male arrogance. ’ [1]. Particularly this is something Duffy concentrates on in ‘Queen Herod’, ‘Mrs Rip Van Winkle’, ‘Thetis’ and ‘Mrs Aesop’ alongside ‘Little Red-Cap’. In order to intensify the value of women in society Duffy typically portrays her female characters as more dominant than the males. In ‘Little Red-Cap’ the adolescent’s control is clear especially in the final and penultimate stanzas as the twist on the original tale of Little Red Riding Hood ‘I took an axe to the wolf as he slept, one chop’ gives the narrator the power to dominate over the controlling, male character. Her impatience to escape the wolf’s rugged seduction is especially evident from Duffy’s use of enjambment between these two stanzas where she ‘took an axe / to a willow to see how it wept’. Further her power is apparent from the last line, ‘singing, all alone’, as Duffy explicates the satisfaction with her triumphant victory over the dark character without the assistance from the hero, typically being a male character. Duffy identifies the problem in which men are portrayed in ‘Queen Herod’ where women commonly see men, deceptively, as a ‘Hero’, ‘Hunk’, ‘the je t’adore’ and showing that this is a problem by incorporating the negatives in contrast, such as ‘The Wolf’, ‘The Rip’, ‘The Rat’. In comparison, the humorous pun used in the final stanza of ‘Mrs Aesop’ portrays the female as over powering through the trenchant ridiculing of the male’s ‘little cock that wouldn’t crow’. Following this, the witty threat; ‘I’ll cut off your tail, all right, I said, to save my face’, which refers to the Bobbit case where his wife cut off his penis, is suggestive of threatening the same act upon him, which ‘shut him up’ and she ‘laughed last, longest’ proving how much control Mrs Aesop has over her husband. Comparatively, there is a distinct semantic field of power in ‘Queen Herod’ from the use of phrases such as ‘I swore’, ‘Do it’ and ‘I sent for the Chief of Staff’, showing the power, and confidence in that power, that Queen Herod has over the male characters. Perhaps this portrayal by Duffy is to influence women that this attitude can be acceptable and possible in our modern day society. Despite this, Duffy contrasts the power of the female gender with the exploitation of females in society. The wolf in ‘Little Red-Cap’ is alluring whilst his chin beholds a hidden sign of adulthood; ‘red wine staining’. The last line of the second stanza ‘he spotted me, sweet sixteen, never been, babe, waif, and bought me a drink’ elucidates the overpowering control the wolf has over the adolescent. It is considerably regarded as an issue as the adolescent initially sees the wolf as seductive rather than threatening, as seen in most modern day relationships. Perhaps here Duffy is attempting to inform the reader of the dangers of growing up too fast in the company of an influential man. Particularly, in ‘Mrs Rip Van Winkle’ the female ‘sank like a stone’ as if drowning, which creates a traumatic and confining image where the narrator has lost control and explicates her failure. The use of ‘still’ in the extended metaphor ‘I sank like a stone into the still, deep waters of late middle age’ suggests a sense of calmness contrasting with the panic of drowning in from experiencing the menopause. This contrasts gives off the suggestion that it is only the woman that changes meanwhile the rest of the world remains ‘still’ and composed. This is compared with ‘Thetis’ where female exploitation is extremely acknowledged. Similarly, the wife of Thetis ‘shrank’ and ‘sank’ herself to escape the controlling power of the male character. Identifying this issue allows the reader to regard it seriously thus influencing the reader, which is most likely to be female, to share feminist views and condemn the male population. ‘Little Red-Cap’ especially consists of the themes ambition and independence whilst growing up. The story of ‘childhood’s end’ is the transition from innocence to experience with a journey of impetuous turmoil to find love, passion, sex and independence. For Little Red-Cap, poetry is the reason why she chooses ambition because of its richness, the mystery of its ambiguity and the wolf (the dark, mysterious character) can provide this for her. Perhaps, for Little Red-Cap, growing up is poetic and therefore desirable. This can easily be compared with ‘Mrs Rip Van Winkle’ who, ‘while he slept’, found adventure in her life. As she explains ‘I found some hobbies for myself’ it is evident that she is thinking only of what she wants from the use of personal pronouns for the first and last words of the statement, which further portrays him as unimportant regarding her development in reaching triumph in adventure. This is especially explicated through the sibilance of ‘seeing the sights’ as it conveys these adventures as stimulating thus influencing her female readers to reach out further than their heterosexual relationship. Clearly, Duffy’s collection consists of various profound and weighty subjects and ‘Little Red-Cap’ contains the majority of the themes present in the collection. In an interview in 2005 with Duffy the interviewer, Barry Wood, identified particular poems in this collection that ‘are unashamedly set in a contemporary idiom, re-casting the old stories in terms of modern life’ allowing Duffy to ‘subvert[ing] them’ [2]. Arguably, the act of modernisation here allows her readers to identify with the aforementioned issues raised. This therefore allows hope for the future for women regarding their status and value as individuals rather than as simply wives or mothers. As a homosexual, Duffy’s feminist views coincided with the notably iconic statement made by Dorothy Parker; ‘heterosexuality is not normal, it’s just common’ as her collection ‘takes a very common relationship – that of man and wife – and presents a collection of poetic monologues from the perspective of the wife’ [3] in order to give the world’s wife a voice. Little Red-Cap’ has been identified as a personal account of her relationship with her ex-husband in the interview with Barry Wood as he suggestively asks ‘with a strong autobiographical investment, focusing on the idea of yourself as a young poet, asserting your independence. ’ with a reply of ‘CAD:Â   Yes. ’ therefore proving that the poem is reflective of Duffy’s feminist views and opini ons on heterosexual relationships. The World’s Wife’ consists of providing wives of famous and infamous historic, fictional and biblical male characters a voice in society as the majority were not even considered, whilst commonly criticising the male population for its ignorance, arrogance, selfishness; the list is incessant. Because it is a personal poem Duffy’s views are most definitely included within ‘Little Red-Cap’ as are they included in the collection as a whole. Therefore the poem of subjection is representative of the collection ‘The World’s Wife’. Word count: With quotes- 1,245 Without quotes- 952 Bibliography: 1. Michael Woods critique of Queen Herod: http://www. sheerpoetry. co. uk/advanced/carol-ann-duffy/notes-on-selected-poems-advanced/queen-herod 2. Interview with Carol Ann Duffy and Barry Wood: http://www. sheerpoetry. co. uk/advanced/interviews/carol-ann-duffy-the-world-s-wife in 2005. 3. An essay written by username: doralulusparky http://www. studymode. com/essays/The-World-s-Wife-Carol-Ann-Duffy-598083. html in February 2011.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

SplitBrain Psychology Essay Research Paper SplitBrain Psychology free essay sample

Split-Brain Psychology Essay, Research Paper Split-Brain Psychology A Paper by: David Norelid Imagine being asked to sing # 8220 ; Mary Had a Little Lamb # 8221 ; and non being able to retrieve the words but merely being able to hum the melody, or cognizing the full wordss, but merely being able to bawl out what most closely resembles the call of an abandoned calf. You can non sing and retrieve the words at the same clip because your encephalon hemispheres have been severed from each other. Imagine seeking to play the piano, while one manus wants to play Rachmaninov, and the other wants to play major and minor graduated tables. There are infinite people enduring through these jobs everyday because they underwent a surgical intervention for epilepsy. Although these jobs are awfully enfeebling to the patients, they have opened a wholly new beginning of boundless information for neurobiologists seeking to calculate out the consequence of the head on the organic structure, and frailty versa. We will write a custom essay sample on SplitBrain Psychology Essay Research Paper SplitBrain Psychology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this paper we will seek to show the surgical process known as the split-brain operation and its effects on the persons public presentation. In a normal encephalon, stimuli come ining one hemisphere is quickly communicated by manner of the principal callosum to the other hemisphere, so the encephalon maps as a unit. When the principal callosum of an person is severed, go forthing a split encephalon, the two hemispheres can non pass on. In some signifiers of epilepsy a ictus will get down in one hemisphere, triping a monolithic discharge of nerve cells through the principal callosum and into the 2nd hemisphere. In an attempt to forestall such monolithic ictuss in terrible epileptics, brain surgeons can surgically break up the principal callosum, a process called a commissurotomy. If one side of the encephalon can no longer excite the other, the likeliness of terrible epileptic ictuss is greatly reduced. In a intellectual commissurotomy, the sawbones opens the skull, lays back the encephalon # 8217 ; s coverings and, with a tool called a intellectual retractor, exposes the principal callosum between the two hemispheres. The physician snips through the principal callosum, break uping communicating between the hemispheres and forestalling the transportation of ictuss. There are two hemispheres in your encephalon, the right and the left. At first glimpse, these hemispheres appear to be mirror images of one another, but closer scrutiny reveals that they are extremely specialised parts that serve differing maps. The left hemisphere governs our ability to show ourselves in linguistic communication. In over 95 % of right-handed people, the left hemisphere is dominant for address. The figure is slightly lower for left handers, about 70 % , but still extremely important. The left hemisphere is better so the right at acknowledging sequences of words and letters. It controls our logic, our logical thinking, and our analytical idea procedures. It can concentrate on inside informations, nevertheless it has trouble groking the whole image. The perceptual maps of the right hemisphere are more specialised for the analysis of infinite and geometrical forms and signifiers, elements that are all present at the same clip ( non consecutive like linguistic communication ) . The right hemisphere is the originative half ; it can # 8220 ; see # 8221 ; the whole out of parts, therefore leting us to link mystifier parts together. The right hemisphere besides plays and of import function in the comprehension of emotion. In an experiment where topics were shown images of faces with strong facial look, the right hemisphere was able to spot the look more accurately so the left hemisphere. In add-on, an experiment was done where topics listened to verbal messages said with different emotions. The messages were presented to each ear individually. When presented to the left hemisphere, the topic was more accurate refering the verbal content of the message. However, the right hemisphere was more accurate at placing the emotional tone of the voice. Ehrenwald has classified of import differences between the hemispheres. This information is best expressed as a tabular array: Table 1: General Left-right hemisphere properties Left Right Thinking Abstract, additive, analytic Concrete, holistic Cognitive manner Rational, logical Intuitive, artistic Language Rich vocabulary, good grammar and sentence structure ; pose no grammar, sentence structure ; inflection, hapless vocabulary metaphoric, poetry Executive capacity Introspection, will, initiative, sense of ego, concentrate on trees Low sense of ego, low enterprise, focal point on wood Specialized maps Reading, composing, arithmetic, sensory-motor accomplishments ; inhibits psi Three I # 8217 ; s, music, rich dream imagination, good face and gestalt acknowledgment, unfastened to psi Time experience Consecutive ordered, measured # 8220 ; Lived # 8221 ; clip, crude clip sense Spatial orientation Relatively hapless Superior, besides for forms, wire figures Psychoanalytical facets Secondary procedure, self-importance maps, consciousness ; superego? Primary procedure, dream-work, free assoc. hallucinations? Ideal paradigm Aristotle, Appollonian manner, Marx, Freud, Koestler # 8217 ; s Commissar Plato, Dionysian manner, Nietzsche, Jung Koestler # 8217 ; s Yogi There are two major information tracts by which information of the peripheral nervous system and the cardinal nervous system are exchanged: the somatosensory and the motor control pathways. Some general maps of each system can be separated and described, but these two tracts act upon one another in many ways. It is hard to state, # 8220 ; this is how somatosensory information travels, and this is how centrifugal information travels, # 8221 ; because both information tracts have influences over one another. The followers is a really basic sum-up of the information tract for both centripetal and motor systems. This should supply you with an apprehension of how a normal encephalon communicates with the organic structure, which in bend will assist you better understand how a cut off principal callosum might interfere with certain facets of motor control or ocular reading. The somatosenses provide information about what is go oning on the surface of our organic structure and inside it. Coetaneous senses, or tegument senses, respond to several different stimulations: force per unit area, quiver, warming, chilling, and events that cause tissue harm ( such as hurting ) . Organic senses arise from receptors in and around the internal variety meats, supplying us with unpleasant esthesiss ( such as stomach aches ) , or enjoyable 1s ( such as a cold drink on a hot summer twenty-four hours ) . Receptors located throughout our organic structures detect environmental stimulations, and rapidly direct information to matching parts in the encephalon. All nervous information is sent in the same mode, it is where, in the encephalon, the information is sent which determines how it will be interpreted and what type of matching information will be sent back as a response. Somatosensory axons from the tegument, musculuss, or internal variety meats enter the cardinal nervous system via spinal nervousnesss. Somatosensory nervousnesss located in the face and caput chiefly enter the encephalon through the cranial nervousnesss. Precisely localized information ( such as all right touch ) and inexactly localized information ( such as hurting and temperature ) are transmitted to the encephalon by different tracts. Axons that convey exactly localized information ascend throughout the dorsal columns in the white affair of the spinal cord to nuclei in the lower myelin. From at that place, axons really cross to the hemisphere opposite the side of the organic structure that the stimulations were received. Axons cross to the opposite side of the encephalon at the myelin, travel to the thalamus. The thalamus is divided into several karyons, or groups of nerve cells of similar form and map. Some of these karyons receive the centripetal information from the go uping tracts and project it out to the somatosensory cerebral mantle so that it can be interpreted. In contrast, the axons that convey ill localized information ( hurting, temperature ) enter the spinal cord and instantly cross to the opposite side. From here, these nerve cells ascend through the spinothalamic piece of land to the karyon in the thalamus, later being passed to the right part of the encephalon for reading. Information is sent to musculuss in the organic structure through motor tracts. This information allows you to flex your biceps, squash a tennis ball, rectify your position, and move. There are two types of falling tracts: corticospinal tracts, which originate in the intellectual cerebral mantle, and noncorticospinal tracts, which originate in the brain-stem. In general, the corticospinal tracts have greater influence over motor nerve cells that control muscles involved in all right, stray motions, peculiarly those of the fingers and custodies. The noncortoicospinal tracts are more involved with coordination of the big musculus groups used in things such as the care of unsloped position, balance, walking, and in caput and organic structure motions when turning toward a specific stimulation. Motor tracts may be excitant ( doing a musculus to contract ) , or inhibitory ( forestalling a musculus contraction ) . In general, the right hemisphere interprets information and controls actions of the left side of the organic structure. The left hemisphere interprets information and controls actions of the right side of the organic structure. If the connexion between the hemispheres is severed, centripetal information can non go through to the right part of the encephalon in order for matching response to be made. For illustration, callosal apraxia is a signifier of limb apraxia caused by harm to the anterior principal callosum. When a individual hears a verbal petition to execute a motion, allow # 8217 ; s say to raise both custodies in the air, circuits in the left hemisphere analyze the significance of the address. Then, a nervous bid activates the part of the encephalon that contains the memory of the motion, the prefrontal cerebral mantle. This information is passed to the portion of the encephalon that controls the existent motion to be performed, the motor cerebral mantle. The left motor ce rebral mantle controls the motions of the right manus, and the right motor cerebral mantle controls the motions of the left manus. In order for the right motor cerebral mantle to be activated so that the left manus can be raised, the analysis of the verbal bid must be passed from the left hemisphere to the right side, through the principal callosum. Therefore, the right arm can execute the requested motion, but the left can non. Early on after a split encephalon surgery, the patient shows a pronounced apraxia of the left manus to verbal bid. This occurs because the right hemisphere, which controls the left manus, has hapless linguistic communication comprehension. Unusually, this symptom recovers to a considerable grade. It is possible that the left hemisphere additions ipsilateral ( same side ) control of the left manus, and/or the right hemisphere acquires some basic linguistic communication accomplishment. Roger Sperry and Ronald Meyers foremost discovered the split encephalon in the research lab in the late 1950 # 8217 ; s. Initially they began experimenting with cats, and subsequently proceeded to analyze monkeys. In 1961 the first human patient was capable to the split encephalon surgery. The process worked good as a # 8220 ; remedy # 8221 ; for patients who suffered from terrible epilepsy and did non react to anti-epileptic drugs. It was shortly discovered that patients who had a commissurotomy had some interesting troubles. Patients were non able to pass on information from one hemisphere to the other, about as though they now had two separate encephalons. In surveies of hemispherical differences in ocular acknowledgment, stimulations are frequently presented with a t-scope, which flashes an image in a specific portion of the ocular field so fast that the topic does non hold clip to travel his or her eyes. In a standard split-brain experiment, a split-brain patient is seated in forepart of a screen that hides his or her custodies from position. Behind the screen, there are a twosome of objects that the topic can non see, in this instance a deck of cards and a key. The patient focuses their eyes on the centre of the screen, and the word # 8220 ; cardinal # 8221 ; is flashed really briefly in the left field of vision. The gestural right hemisphere of the encephalon receives information from the left field of vision, and the individual is non able to state the experimenter what they saw. The patient is so asked to utilize their left manus to make behind the screen and pick out the object that corresponds with the word that was flashed. Since the right hemisphere controls motion of the contralateral half of the organic structure, the left manus will be able to right place the object, although the patient is incognizant they even saw a word flashed. Further, every bit long as the object is in the patient # 8217 ; s left manus behind the screen and hidden from position, they can non relay to the perceiver what the object is. Sperry and other scientists proceeded with farther experimentation in order to find the relationship between the right and left hemispheres of the encephalon. How ( and what ) the hemispheres communicate would supply valuable penetration into the # 8220 ; mind # 8221 ; of a split encephalon patient. How did a commissurotomy affect one # 8217 ; s perceptual experiences of the outside universe? In one experiment, a word ( for illustration # 8220 ; fork # 8221 ; ) was flashed so merely the right hemisphere of a patient could have the information. The patient would non be able to state what the word was. However, if the topic were asked to compose what he saw, his left manus would get down to compose the word # 8220 ; fork # 8221 ; . If asked what he had written, the patient would hold no thought. He would cognize that he had written something, he could experience his manus traveling through the gesture, yet he could non state perceivers what the word was. Because there is no longer a connexion between the two hemispheres, information presented to the right half of the encephalon can non convey this information to the left. Interestingly plenty, the centres for address reading and production are located in the left hemisphere. Similarly, if the patient is blindfolded and a familiar object, such as a toothbrush, is placed in his left manus, he appears to cognize what it is ; for illustration by doing the gesture of brushing his dentition. However, he can non call the object to the experimenter. If asked what he is making with the object, gesticulating a brushing gesture, he has no thought. But if the left manus gives the toothbrush to the right manus, the patient will instantly state â€Å"tooth brush† . Micheal Gazzaniga, who did his alumnus work in Sperry # 8217 ; s research lab, did farther experiments which showed the efforts of the left hemisphere to counterbalance for it # 8217 ; s deficiency of information, every bit good as efforts by the right hemisphere to acquire it # 8217 ; s knowledge conveyed. When a split encephalon topic is subjected to trials where the left half of their encephalon does non cognize the right reply, it will frequently do something up based on the information it does hold. In this peculiar trial, each hemisphere was at the same time presented with a different cognitive trial. Each hemisphere was presented with a image and told to pick the object that relates to that image. The left hemisphere was shown a poulet claw, while the right viewed a snow scene. You can see that the patient is indicating to a poulet with his right manus, and a shovel with his left. After each hemisphere responded, the left hemisphere was asked to explicate its picks. The manner the topic verbally interpreted the dual field stimulation is of peculiar involvement. When asked what images he saw on the screen, the patient responded, # 8220 ; I saw a claw and I picked the poulet, and you have to clean out the poulet shed with a shovel. # 8221 ; Test after test, this sort of response occurred. The left hemisphere could easy and accurately place why the right manus chose the corresponding image that it had, and so later, and without batting an oculus, it would integrate the right hemisphere # 8217 ; s response into the model. While perceivers knew precisely why the right hemisphere and made its pick, the left hemisphere could simply think. What is interesting is that the left hemisphere did non offer its suggestion in a guesswork vena but instead as a statement of fact. This sketch illustrates another experiment done with a split encephalon topic in which the left hemisphere compensates without the individual being cognizant what is traveling on. Top Row: The bid # 8220 ; Laugh # 8221 ; was flashed to the left field of vision ( right hemisphere ) , and the topic laughed. When asked, # 8220 ; Why are you express joying? the topic said, # 8220 ; Oh # 8230 ; you guys are truly something. # 8221 ; In-between Row: The bid # 8220 ; Rub # 8221 ; was flashed to the right hemisphere and the topic # 8217 ; s left manus scratched the dorsum of the right manus. When asked what the bid was, the topic said, # 8220 ; Oh # 8230 ; itch. # 8221 ; Bottom Row: The instructions are # 8220 ; Assume the place of the flashed word. # 8221 ; The word flashed was # 8220 ; Boxer. # 8221 ; The topic clinched both fists and held them in a ready place. # 8220 ; What was the word? # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Oh # 8230 ; boxer. # 8221 ; The left hemisphere proved highly expert at instantly imputing cause to the action. The topic could non truly say why they were express joying, for the left hemisphere had non received any information from the right that the bid laugh had been flashed. The topic # 8217 ; s left hemisphere evaluated the response and characterized it. It compensated for its deficiency of cognition by naming upon old experiences in which laughing was an appropriate response and said, # 8220 ; Oh # 8230 ; you guys are truly something # 8221 ; . When the patient tried to explicate why she was rubbing the dorsum of her right manus, her left hemisphere once more tried to counterbalance for the deficiency of cognition, proposing to her that she had an scabies. The fact that she said # 8220 ; rub # 8221 ; alternatively of # 8220 ; rub # 8221 ; shows that she was thinking. Yet, the patient could be rather accurate when the bid gave less leeway for multiple descriptions, as in the instance of the word pugilist. The trial direction was to # 8220 ; presume the place of # 8230 ; . # 8221 ; The topic right assumed the pugilistic place, and when asked what the word was, he said, # 8220 ; Boxer. # 8221 ; But on subsequent tests, when she was restrained and the word pugilist was flashed, the left hemisphere said it saw nil. When released, nevertheless, she assumed the place and said, # 8220 ; O.K. , it was boxer. # 8221 ; In another experiment, a split encephalon patient is asked to place an object # 8211 ; such as a pencil # 8211 ; by making inside a bag and experiencing it. Success depends on which manus does the stretch. Most of the wiring in the organic structure is arranged contralaterally, with the left hemisphere acquiring its information from # 8211 ; and commanding # 8211 ; the right side of the organic structure, and vice-versa. Since the left hemisphere usually controls linguistic communication, when the patient reaches in the bag with his right manus he can readily place the object. However, if the left manus does the stretch, merely the right hemisphere gets the information that the object is a pencil, and is powerless to direct the voice to show this. Occasionally, it seems, a patient # 8217 ; s right hemisphere will hit upon a clever ploy. By happening the point of a pencil and delving it into his thenar, he causes a crisp hurting to be sent up the left arm. Some hurting fibres are ipsilaterally wired, therefore the language-controlling hemisphere gets a hint: it is something crisp plenty to do a hurting. # 8220 ; It # 8217 ; s crisp # 8211 ; it # 8217 ; s possibly a pen? A pencil? # 8221 ; The right hemisphere, catching this voice, may assist it along with some intimations # 8211 ; detering the pen response, promoting the pencil # 8211 ; so that by a brief turn of Twenty Questions the left hemisphere is led to the right reply. Therefore, the right hemisphere may on occasion utilize other signifiers of communicating in order to counterbalance for the nonexistent principal callosum. These experiments, pioneered by Sperry and co-workers, provided penetration into the operations of the two hemispheres and how they are different. Until late it has been believed that the full principal callosum must be severed to supply proper alleviation from the terrible epilepsy the surgery was seeking to contradict. However this is non needfully the instance, the principal callosum might be able to be severed plenty to supply alleviation, without losing all nervous integrating. Dr. H. G. Gordon, a neurobiologist at the California Institute of Technology says the connexions at the dorsum of the encephalon entirely are adequate to incorporate both human hemispheres. Talking for a California research squad, he reported a new signifier of surgery, devised by P. J. Vogel of Los Angeles, which stops ictuss wholly, or at least renders them treatable with drugs. At the same clip, he added # 8220 ; Psychological trials of Vogel # 8217 ; s patients yield consequences indistinguishable to those of normal topics. We conclude, the intellectual hemispheres wholly integrate if but a little fraction of the principal callosum remains integral. # 8221 ; In Vogel # 8217 ; s new operation ( called anterior intellectual commissurotomy ) the sawbones opens the skull, lays back the encephalon # 8217 ; s coverings and, with a tool called a intellectual retractor, exposes the principal callosum between the two hemispheres Then he snips through the front three-quarterss of the principal callosum and, while at it, besides severs a pipe-cleaner-sized cross connexion known as the anterior commissure. But the dorsum of the principal callosum # 8212 ; the splenium # 8212 ; he leaves integral. The splenium of the principal callosum has been found to be the dominant way of the ocular facets of hemispheric integrating. Whereas the genus has been found to command motor facets. For this new process, the motor aspects much more pertinent to epilepsy ictuss, are severed, while the splenium, the centre of ocular cross over, remain integral . This would do the process required for terrible epilepsy much safer and more practical. The patient would be relieved of the utmost ictuss, while retaining interhemisphereic ocular tracts and some other communicating between hemispheres. This process is now widely used in topographic point of the complete principal commissurotomy, and experiments are being done with precisely how much of the encephalon demands commissured. The process doesn # 8217 ; t absolutely incorporate the two hemispheres, it has been found that callosal transportation times are significantly slower after the operation has occurred. This is thought to be because ocular transportation clip across the principal is slower so the motor transportation clip. Besides two-handed coordination is thought to be slightly inhibited by this process. Never the less, there is definite advancement over the complete loss of communicating which was thought to go on in the original split encephalon topics. Analyzing split encephalon patients # 8217 ; unusual behaviours has led us to detect valuable information about differences between the two hemispheres. The first of the human split-brain surveies began when Michael Gazzaniga joined Roger Sperry as a alumnus pupil at California Tech. In coaction with brain surgeon Joseph Bogen, they began a series of commisurotomies. The operation on their first patient, WJ, was a great success. Before the operation he integrated information between the two hemispheres freely, but after the operation he had two separate heads or mental systems, each with its ain abilities to larn, retrieve, and experience emotion and behaviour. Yet, WJ, was non wholly cognizant of the alterations in his encephalon. As Gazzaniga put it: # 8220 ; WJ lives merrily in Downey, California, with no sense of the outrageousness of the findings or for that affair any consciousness that he had changed. # 8221 ; As antecedently explained ( experiments ) , words flashed to the right field of vision of patients like WJ could be said and written with the right manus. In contrast, patients couldn # 8217 ; Ts say or write words flashed to their left field of vision. Although standard experiments revealed that right hemisphere is gestural, it is far from incompetent. Even though the right hemisphere could non pass on to observers what stimuli it had been presented with, it did demo some verbal comprehension. Even though the patient could non verbalise what word had been presented to the right hemisphere, the left manus was able to indicate to it within a list. Another interesting difference between the hemispheres that these patients displayed was that the right hemisphere was clearly superior in spacial undertakings such as set uping blocks and pulling in three dimensions. Research workers showed each hemisphere a simple drawing and had the corresponding manus pull it. Even though all three of the topics were right-handed, the left-hand drawings were clearly superior. Because of these hemispheric differences and specialisations, split-brain patients have some unusual traits. For illustration, they are less likely to speak about their feelings, as if they # 8217 ; re unavailable for treatment. The patients give grounds of holding two differing heads. The best illustration of this is patient Paul S. Paul # 8217 ; s right hemisphere developed considerable linguistic communication ability sometime old to the operation. Although it is uncommon, on occasion the right hemisphere may portion significant nervous circuits with, or even rule, the left hemisphere # 8217 ; s centres for linguistic communication comprehension and production. The fact that Paul # 8217 ; s right hemisphere was so good developed in it # 8217 ; s verbal capacity opened a closed door for research workers. For about all split encephalon patients, the ideas and perceptual experiences of the right hemisphere are locked off from look. Research workers were eventually able to interv iew both hemispheres on their positions about friendly relationship, love, hatred and aspirations. Paul # 8217 ; s right hemisphere stated that he wanted to be an car race driver while his left hemisphere wanted to be a draughtsman. Both hemispheres were asked to compose whether they liked or disliked a series of points. The survey was performed during the Watergate dirt, and one of the points was Richard Nixon. Paul # 8217 ; s right hemisphere expressed # 8220 ; disfavor, # 8221 ; while his left expressed # 8220 ; like. # 8221 ; Most split-brain patients would non be able to show the sentiments of their right hemispheres as Paul S. did, but this gives us penetration on the concealed differences between the hemispheres. These concealed differences are allowed to show themselves after a split encephalon operation because the two hemispheres are closer to bing independently. One hemisphere may non be able to stamp down or act upon differing sentiments, emotions, or desires of the other because most of the communicating between the two can no longer happen. As a consequence, conflicting hemispheric desires or sentiments can do disconnected encephalon patients to exhibit some unusual behaviours. One patient found his left manus fighting against his right manus when seeking to draw up his bloomerss in the forenoon. While the right manus tried to draw them up, the left was seeking to draw them down. On another juncture, he was angry with his married woman and attacked her with his left manus while at the same time seeking to protect her with his right! Split-brain patients have besides taught us about woolgathering. Scientists had hypothesized that dreaming is a right hemisphere activity, but they found that split encephalon patients do describe woolgathering. They found, hence, that the left hemisphere must hold some entree to woolgather stuff. What was most interesting was the existent content of the dreams of the split-brain patients. Klaus Hoppe, a psychoanalyst, analyzed the dreams of 12 patients. He found that the dreams were non like the dreams of most normal people. # 8221 ; The content of the dreams reflected world, affect, and thrusts. Even in the more luxuriant dream, there was a singular deficiency of deformation of latent dream ideas. The findings show that the left hemisphere entirely is able to bring forth dreams. Patients, after commisurotomy, uncover a dearth of dreams, phantasies, and symbols. Their dreams lack the features of dream work ; their phantasies are sterile, useful, and tied to world ; their symbolisat ion is concretistic, dianoetic, and rigid. # 8221 ; These surveies of abnormalcies of split encephalon patients as opposed to normal people are supplying much penetration on hemispheric specialisation. Even if some people can non play the piano right, put on a brace of bloomerss, or even comb their hair decently, they can accomplish a certain sum of normality in their lives by commanding the ictuss that affected them antecedently. They can every bit good derive some comfort in the cognition that their complaints are assisting psychobiologists learn more about the encephalon and its maps than of all time before.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Payroll System Documentation Essays

Payroll System Documentation Essays Payroll System Documentation Essay Payroll System Documentation Essay Information Technology is the study, design, development, implementation and support management of information system. It helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate and/ or disseminate information. We used the term information technology or IT to refer to an entire industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or simply as Information Services (or IS). The information technology department of a large company could be responsible for storing, protecting processing, transmitting and retrieving the information as necessary. Nowadays all establishment are becoming modernized, they use modern technologies to make their transaction fast, easy and accurate in order to avoid waste of time and for the sake of safety and security. It also helps human to solve and understand complex problem and analysis such as computational need of human. Especially the business establishment or corporation processing data and transaction. The success or failure of an organization in today’s highly competitive and technological business world depends on how they manage to streamline. The flow of information between their department and outside the world. Implementing a system make their transactions easy and accurate and to secure their files and data. There are different system that used by the company and other establishment; such as Inventory System which is an integrated package of software and hardware used in any business sectors to monitor the quantity, location and status of their income regarding on their products going in and out. Enrollment system is the system in a school when a student is enrolling for a specific course the school requires all the necessary information of the enrollee. Library System is a system of coding and organizing library materials (books, serials, audiovisual materials, computer files, maps, manuscripts) according to their subject and allocating a call number to that information resource and the example of complex transaction is the Payroll System which it is critical business operation dealing with numerous accounts and produce plenty and confidential files. Payroll is a financial statement that shows the total amount of money paid to the people by a particular company. It’s an accounting system that calculates the amount due to employee’s salary after the necessary deduction. It is also generating a statement of amounts to be paid to employees. It is also amount of money a company, business and establishment pay its employee at any given time. In order to pay their employees for services rendered, employers performs payroll processing which must be done in timely and accurate manner to ensure that employees receive their salary. Payroll System is system used in a series of accounting transactions dealing with the process of paying employees for services rendered, after processing of the various requirements for withholding of money from the employee for payment of payroll taxes, insurance premiums, employee benefits, garnishments and other deductions. It is use in order to make the payroll transactions fast, convenient and make data and confidential files secure. Using a manual payroll procedure can’t secure data especially for those confidential files for payroll. A manual payroll system is done by hand. This means that all wages calculations are performed on paper. An advantage using of manual payroll is that it costs very little to use. However it takes a lot of time and energy to do manual payroll processing. Using a computerized payroll system is much quicker than a manual payroll. It reduces the amount of paperwork to be filed, as most of the payroll information can be store in the system. It will not only provide an accurate calculation and fast process of payroll transaction but it will also secure data through security implementation and accordingly arrange file provided by a well designed database. A database is where you are storing your files and data for its security. It is more widely used by all users that have a computerized system by different sectors. And a Database Management System is software who operates database providing storage, access, security back-up and other facilities. The implementation of this proposed system is a great help for the Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. especially to their HR Department, Accounting Department and as well as Finance Office. They lessen their job and they can manage their payroll processing accurately. PROJECT CONTEXT The Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. located at Allah Valley Drive, Surallah South Cotabato was on its eight years operation. The school in the municipality of Surallah offered a Technical and Collegiate courses. The said institution was lack of facilities such as any computerized system had not been implemented. The said school wishes to utilize an existing hardware and software as soon as possible. As a pioneering graduating student for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology we are tasked to develop a propose system as part of our Capstone Project. We found out that the main problem of the said institution is difficult to process payroll transactions because of their manual payroll procedure that takes a long time to finish their task due to many steps and processes to undergo. Other problems we found out are as follows: Hard in processing payroll slip and payroll form Difficulty in calculating the wages. Too much time consumption. Misplaced some employee data with plenty assigned to the bookkeeper with cause’s inconvenience to their services Files are not totally secured and there is a possibility that the files might be lost. Delay in releasing employee salary On their procedure, it will need more time and manpower to complete the payroll processing. In this problem we are implementing a Computerized Payroll System for the Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. to minimize the effort of the bookkeeper to make an efficient and accurate computation of payroll to create a well designed database and to implement strong security of the system for data secrecy. This proposed system is a great help to the accounting section of the Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. especially to the Bookkeeper and Finance Office of the said school. It will help to lessen time and effort of the Bookkeeper in filing all employee records and files as well as to the Accounting Department in preparing payments of the employees. This proposed system can accommodate and produce a paperless environment. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purposed of this study is to propose a Computerized Payroll System for Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. We found out that this school had no any Computerized System since it was started its operation that’s why we choose to implement a Computerized Payroll System for the said institution. To have a Computerized Payroll System could easily to generate and calculate all information regarding the payroll transactions it’s reason that the said institution needs a reliable, effective and easy- to- use payroll system in order to make their task faster and easier without any hassle. This Computerized Payroll System we implementing for Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. could encompass every employee of a company who receive a regular wage or other compensation. To provide an accurate calculation and fast processing of a payroll transactions. To help the said institution to comply the timely payment of the wages and salaries for the employee. To secure the employee files by using a database where to store all data regarding to the payroll and to have security for their data secrecy. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY This proposed Computerized Payroll System allows to process and issue employee print out report for their Pay Slip and Payroll Statement. It will compute wages and deductions and enter data into a well designed database for its security. It will record all employee information such as transfer and resignations in order to maintain and update payroll records. It will help to lessen time and effort of the Bookkeeper in Accounting Department in preparing payments of the employee. This proposed system will lessen their job and they can manage their payroll processing accurately. SCOPE OF THE SYSTEM This study is designed to develop a Computerize Payroll System for the Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. It covers the process of preparing Pay Slip of each employee. The system is designed to compute for the income of an employee whether regular or contractual. It is also developed with features used to provide ease in searching and updating records such as search, add, edit and delete. It will compute for the total net income of an employee by adding the bonuses to the gross income and deducting the taxes and fees from the gross income. It will keep the records safety and computing the exact wages of each employee, including the stored report list of employee such as hourly or weekly basis salary, net pay, overtime and some deductions including PHILHEALTH, SSS, Cash Advances and others. LIMITATIONS OF THE SYSTEM This proposed Computerize Payroll System for the Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. can only provide the print out report for the Pay Slip and Payroll Statement for the employee. It has a security feature where only an authorize personnel are allowed to access the system which therefore guarantees company employees the reliability that they desire. The system is limited to designated officials in the Payroll department since it will incorporate a security measure. The Payroll Administrator only has a responsible for adding new employees, updating employee’s records and changing all employee information. OBJECTIVES This proposed system is designed to provide a fast and reliable automated solution for the recording and processing of the salary of an employee. The main objectives of this research are to develop a Computerize Payroll system for Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. To prepare a detailed salary records of all employees in an institution. To generate Pay Slips through the calculation of salary and to ensure the proper use of manpower. The specific concern of this system are as follows: To minimize the effort of the Bookkeeper in processing and preparing the payments of an employee. To lessen the hassle in manually computing an employees net income. To ensure that employees are paid, contractual obligations are met and taxed and other withholding duties are upheld. To provide ease, lessen the possible errors and produce faster results. To determine whether an employee is a regular, fulltime or part time since a egular employee or full time employee has a different computation than that which is casual or contractual. To ensures quick and accurate computation of a certain employees monthly salary, hourly or weekly salary depending on factors such as basic pay, benefits, bonuses, taxes, exemptions as well as other compensations and deductions Fast, accurate and reliable results are going to be produce by this system ther efore proving it to be effective enough to meet the company’s needs regarding the Payroll System. Technical Background Through hard work and tough research and having enough knowledge, we come up to a conclusion that our study is technically feasible. The user of the system can maintain, operate the system easily and back up files such as payroll report and other cash transaction. Hardware Specification: ITEM/PART SPECIFICATION MonitorAOC 15† PrinterEpson LX-300+11 AVRUltra Power 300-220 v Black CD-ROM DriveLG ProcessorL775 Pentium D 3. 06 GHz MouseGenius Ps2 Hard DiskSeagate 80G IDE KeyboardAsus P458X MotherboardMB S940 AM2 MemoryDDR-1GB PC-400 Kingston Software Specification: Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 OPERATIONAL The Holy Child College of Information Technology Inc. Payroll System will be used by the HR Department and Finance Office once it will be installed. Payroll System will be operated by the HR personnel. The benefit will always goes to the departments and to the employees as well. We also make sure that the system is easy to use and user fri endly. ECONOMICAL Estimated cost of the Proposed Hardware and Software. Hardware ITEM/PART SPECIFICATION AMOUNT MonitorAOC 15†6,500 PrinterEpson LX-300+112,800 AVRUltra Power 300-220 v Black400 CD-ROM DriveLG2,500 ProcessorL775 Pentium D 3. 06 GHz9,295 MouseGenius Ps2450 Hard DiskSeagate 80G IDE5,400 KeyboardAsus P458X950 MotherboardMB S940 AM22,500 MemoryDDR-1GB PC-400 Kingston1,460 TOTAL 32,255php Software Microsoft Windows XP(Licensed)5,500 Microsoft SQL Server(Licensed)5,000 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005(Licensed)5,500 TOTAL 32,255 php LOCAL RELATED LITERATURE Cagayan de Oro City Hall Computerized Payroll System The City Accounting Department has introduced an upgraded computerized ayroll system for permanent employees in a bid to improve its services and maximize resources. This project, which was conceived two years ago, basically aims to improve our services particularly in the processing of payrolls for permanent employees, City Accountant Wilma Polley-Rugay told payroll in-charge of the different departments and offices at City Hall during a briefing and orientation on the concept of the one-month payroll system held Friday last week at the City Council session hall in Cagayan de Oro City. With the added features of the new computerized payroll system, Rugay said the preparation, processing and payment of payroll system to permanent employees would be hastened and fast-tracked. Adopting of the one-month payroll system is also beneficial, not only to the City Accounting Department, but also to the payroll-in-charge as it would save time, energy and resources. Employees who handle payroll preparation and processing can now attend to other office needs and concerns as the new payroll system will lessen their workload, she added. Under the new payroll system, preparation and processing of payroll, which reflects the accrued, amount payable every 15th and 30th day of the month, done only once. Unlike the time-consuming old payroll system, preparation and processing of payroll is done twice a month covering the first half and second half of the month. (www. sunstar. com. ph) Computerized Payroll System of Department of Health (DOH) The Computerized Payroll System is a window based program especially designed to facilitate and simplify the monthly preparation of general payroll and related reports such as Standard computerized payroll system for use in all DOH offices, Allows faster and more accurate computation of monthly gross income, deductions and net salary, Faster and less-resource-consuming generation of General Payroll and other payroll related reports, Security and integrity of payroll data and information. The Features of computerized payroll system of DOH are Graphical User Interface, Interactive and menu-driven program, Systematic maintenance and retrieval of employee records, Flexible as it provides options to include additional fields for other compensation and deductions unique to an office or unit, Automatic omputation of monthly net income, GSIS, PAG-IBIG, Withholding Tax and other deductions, Y2K compliant, Fast and easy generation of the General Payroll and all other payroll related reports which include Monthly reports like GSIS and PAG-IBIG remittances, Denominations Report and Leave Credits Report and annual Year-end Tax Reports, Password security to ensure the integrity of data. General payroll reports such as Payroll Summary sheet, Pay slip, Leave Credits Report, Withholding Tax Statement (W-2), BIR Remittance Reports, GSIS Remittance Reports, PAG-IBIG Remittance Reports, Other User-defined Reports (PERA, ACA, PNB, etc.. ). (www2. doh. gov. ph) The proponents learned from this study that the Cagayan de oro and Department of Health has its own database for their employees. They stored the information of the employees to the database that represent each employee’s records as a separate persistent object. FOREIGN RELATED LITERATURE Titus Information Payroll System A Payroll System designed to produce payroll checks with appropriate withholdings, benefits, allowances, and deductions for employees in multiple companies, departments, and/or sub-departments. It has been designed to handle up to 1,000,000 employees in 100 companies, 1,000 departments in each company, and 36 sub-departments in each department. Some of the features and benefits of the Payroll System are multiple cost centers for payroll reporting, will handle special non-taxable benefits for ministers, flexible withholding capability, ability to split payroll expense between different cost centers, complete governmental reporting; FICA, FUTA, SUTA, Workmans Compensation, W-2s, and 1099s, Payroll check reversal, One check capability, Salaried, hourly, and contract employees in the same payroll run, Combined processing for weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly, Taxable and non-taxable benefits and deductions, Multiple hourly rates for each employee, General ledger interface, Check list UFD file for check reconciliation, Extensive personnel information for each employee, Accrual of sick, vacation, and holiday hours, Flexible federal, state, and local taxation, Multiple company, department, and sub-department capability, Flexible benefit and deduction capability, Easy federal, state, and local tax table maintenance, Split income over multiple companies, departments, sub-departments, Payroll accrual/reversal capabilities, Time card data entry function, Special message function for printing on check stubs. (Www. titusinformationsystems. com) Canadian Payroll System Sage Accpac Canadian Payroll is a flexible module that gives you complete control over employee earnings and benefits, special payroll situations and government reporting, ensuring that your companys payroll requirements and personnel policies are accurate to the penny. You can enter or import timecards, enter after-the-fact paycheques, run automatic calculations or even combine all three methods to get your pay data into the system and your paycheques deployed on time. Payroll handles all pay frequencies; multiple work states; unlimited earnings, deductions, benefits and taxes; and other pay factors such as expense reimbursements, accruals and advances. (www. 2020software. com) CONCLUSION

Friday, November 22, 2019

Famous Quotes About Success - A Collection

Famous Quotes About Success - A Collection We may think that we know what success is, because we tend to define success as if it were a goal. In reality success is more of a journey than a destination. Read these famous quotes about success to find out more. Basil KingVictory becomes, to some degree, a state of mind. Knowing ourselves superior to the anxieties, troubles, and worries which obsess us, we are superior to them. Malcolm ForbesVictory is sweetest when youve known defeat. Eric HofferWe are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents. James E. BurkeWe dont grow unless we take risks. Any successful company is riddled with failures. Milton BerleWe owe a lot to Thomas Edison - if it wasnt for him, wed be watching television by candlelight. Henry David ThoreauWe were born to succeed, not to fail. William BarclayWe will often find compensation if we think more of what life has given us and less about what life has taken away. Paul J. MeyerWhatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon... must inevitably come to pass! Ralph HalfWhen ability exceeds ambition, or ambition exceeds ability, the likelihood of success is limited. Gary SiniseWhen I think of work, its mostly about having control over your destiny, as opposed to being at the mercy of whats out there.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Teacher Leadership. Behaviors and Importance of Teacher Leaders Essay

Teacher Leadership. Behaviors and Importance of Teacher Leaders - Essay Example Teacher leadership is believed to have played a major role in the act of changes in education. The concept of teacher leadership has played a vital role in changing the professional nature of teachers, changing the reward system of teachers, improvement in the teaching profession with the concept of continuous change and elevating participation of the teachers in the process of making effective decisions. When researchers started researching the notion of teacher leadership, they associated the notion with those teachers who are situated in the formal leadership roles such as teachers working as experienced teachers and teachers working as the department heads (Saha, 2009). Teachers who have assumed these formal position were found to conduct their leadership responsibility outside the class rooms and were given extra time to conduct these responsibilities. Teachers who had assumed formal position as leaders helped other teachers in problem solving and improving school conditions. Te achers assumed these position only with the aim of gaining growth in their professional life or if it was necessary to help their students and classrooms. Teachers who assume these positions do not act as a superior being, they rather work with other teachers as partners or teammates. When teachers assume these leadership positions their roles as teachers increased and these roles enhanced their professional life and teachers started gaining increased say in administrative as well as curriculum aspects of the educational institute. The main point that needs to be taken into consideration is that the effects of this kind of leadership of teachers was obtained because these teachers assumed formal leadership positions in educational institutes and they did not practice leadership roles inside the classroom setting. Researchers have figured out that more positive impact of teacher leadership can be obtained if teachers practice leadership roles within their classrooms (Muijs, 2007). Th e authority structure of schools and educational institutes has been altered in such a way that responsibilities of teachers of these institutes have been increased and these responsibilities promote the notion of teacher leaders within the context of classrooms. Body According to Muijs, the concept of teacher leadership refers to the various behaviors and activities that are together conducted by teachers within an educational institute(Muijs, 2007). This definition of teacher leadership differentiates between the leadership roles played by a teacher within the class and outside the class. The difference is that teacher leaders make use of their relationship with students and colleagues along with curriculum to bring improvement to the educational institute. According to Rinn, the leadership behaviors that are exhibited by the teachers result in enhanced performance of the educational center and the students inside the institute as well as outside the institute but these behaviors are exhibited by teachers within the classroom only(Rinn, 2003). These behaviors are quite informal as compared to the formal behaviors that a teacher exhibits while she is conducting leadership roles outside the classroom. The leadership roles that are conducted outside the classroom are conducted with the aim of enhancing performance of other teachers. The difference between conducting teacher leadership roles within and outside the classrooms does not clearly explain or simplify the notion of teacher leadership. Various activities have been referred to activities conducted by teacher leaders. These activities include: development of the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Jazz concert report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jazz concert report - Essay Example Susan is a pianist while Michael Zilber is a saxophonist. They were joined by other CJC members Jeff Chambers and Jason Lewis both played bass and drums consecutively. The concert lasted for an hour and forty minutes. Zilberella mainly played contemporary jazz pieces but they also interpreted standards of jazz. The jazz pieces they showcased include: - ‘UN POCO LOCO’ which is a style of jazz called Bright Latin. Medium –up swing jazz style had songs which included ‘bud Powell’ and ‘blues on the corner’. Another style of jazz included the bright swing which they sung to ‘Voyage’ together with a ballad ‘THE MEANING OF BLUES’. Interpretation of standards was showcased by the song ‘You leave me breathless’. Zilberella had no featured soloists as they each played a part to the songs. Furthermore, they covered everything but their areas of interest were in the showcasing of contemporary jazz music and standards of jazz. The performance of the group was amazing because Zilberella could actually read the audience’s mood and switch tempo and rhythm to suit the moods. They also effectively utilized the use of blue note in their performance. The key signature changes were the most amazing in the whole performances the audience was well catered for in terms of music. In my opinion I think Susan was the most talented. She played the piano but was also reading the crowd mood and organizing the group to make the necessary changes. Her ability to know how to switch the rhythm and tempos and changing keys was magnificent since it went smoothly and perfectly. Michael was also good at the saxophone since he played his heart out mixing his emotions and feelings in his facial expression. It was like he was acting out the song to the audience which made the audience and the group to connect. I must say that that Michaels way of silently talking to the audience through facial expressions and Susan’s ability to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Religion in Ancient China Essay Example for Free

Religion in Ancient China Essay The earliest information found about religion in ancient China is during the Shang Dynasty and so religion in the Xia dynasty remains unknown. Religious beliefs and rituals were prominent during the Shang Dynasty. The most significant deity was Shang Ti, Ti meaning ‘Deity Above’ or the ‘Lord on High’. He ruled as a supreme god over all the other gods and spirits. The gods and spirits were believed to symbolize objects found in nature; the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain, everything from mountains and rivers to the stars in the night sky. Ti is believed to have punished those who disobeyed or offended him and rewarded those who pleased him. It is said that Ti formed a noble court in heaven consisting of all deceased worthy ancestors. The Chinese’s belief in family harmony was associated to belief in the afterlife. The ancestors who were considered commendable served Ti, helping him govern the world. Ancestors were also worshipped and were said to act a mediators between the gods and humankind. It was thought that if ancestors were appropriately honoured, respected, and provided for, they would promote the familys prosperity. A favour or grievance to a member of the family was considered a favour or grievance to the ancestors; consequently, people were reluctant to offense or harm descendants of a powerful family. It was believed that in the afterlife they would live in a celestial court in many ways similar to their earthly courts. Each Chinese family was expected to have an ancestral shrine in the centre of their home to honour and venerate their ancestors. Sacrifice to the gods and the ancestors were also a major part of the Shang religion. When a ruler died, slaves and officials were sacrificed with them in order to guarantee that their afterlife would be the same or similar as their life on earth. People were also sacrificed in smaller numbers when significant events, such as the founding of a palace or temple, took place. Along with their deceased ancestors, the Chinese had people on earth who acted as mediators between the celestials and the human race. Priests were among these intermediates and were responsible for a number of tasks including reading prayers and overseeing sacrifices and funerals. An augur is another type of mediator, responsible for asking gods questions on behalf of humans using various practices of foretelling to unearth the answers. The use of oracle bones was the most notable form of divination. The augur would ask the question, punching holes into the bone, usually the shoulder-bone from an ox, and in some cases the shell of a tortoise. The bone would then be held over a fire, until cracks appeared. These cracks would be made more evident by rubbing ink over the bone. The augur could now read the cracks and determine the answer of the god. Records of the questions and answers of readings were engraved on the bone. Questions on these oracle bones included issues of weather, warfare, agriculture, hunting, childbirth, and sacrifice. In reflection with their agricultural nature, the ancient Chinese use to honour the local deities of soil in order to increase the fertility of earth and to promote the growth of crops. Over time, this practice of earth worship began to dwindle and the veneration of Heaven increased. Divination was considered the only way to determine the requests and future actions of the ruler of Heaven who was also seen as a kind of ancestral figure. The Chinese were animistic and so believed that nature had many spirits. Good spirits, referred to as shen, and bad spirits, referred to as gui, were both thought to dwell in Heaven and Earth. The sun and the rooster were believed to have authority over the gui. This concept of shen and gui later influenced the formation of the yin and yang concept. The people of ancient China believed that there were two contrasting forces abiding in everything in nature; that is yin and yang. This concept was thought to be formed with the influence of the shen and gui concept from earlier ancient China. Yin is characterized as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, or tranquil; and is associated with water, earth, the moon, femininity and nighttime. Yang, on the other hand, is fast, hard, solid, focused, hot, dry, or aggressive; and is associated with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity and daytime. During the time of the Eastern Zhou, religion in China underwent an evolution. The early gods were forgotten and replaced with ideologies that worked as both philosophies and religions. A phenomenon called the ‘Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought’ took place in ancient China. Schools and philosophers flourished around this time and it was dubbed an era of great cultural and intellectual expansion in China. The four most prominent schools of thought that evolved during this epoch were Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, and Legalism. Confucius was born 551 BC and grew up to become one of the most influential philosophers in Chinese history. Confucianism is a composite philosophy of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought. He built his philosophy around five virtues: compassion, morality, decorum, wisdom and honesty. Compassion was considered the cornerstone, symbolizing loyalty, filial piety, patience and benevolence. He also believed that everyone should be in harmony with one another and establish a society ruled by standard etiquette and conduct. A legendary philosopher by the name of Laozi is believed to have established the religious philosophy of Taoism. The ‘forces of nature’ is the central belief behind the concept of Tao, which is literally translated as the path or the way. Taoism is in many ways the contrary of Confucianism, focusing on the individual within the natural realm rather than the individual within society. It also focuses on the affiliation between humanity and the cosmos, vigour and long life, and wu wei, that is action through inaction, which is said to create harmony with the Universe. Mo Di or Mozi was another Chinese philosopher form the Eastern Zhou period. He was strongly opposed to the teachings of Confucianism and Taoism. Mohism was based on the idea of universal love, ‘everyone is equal before heaven’. Mozi believed that everyone should practice communal love in order to create a heaven on earth. He also believed that an individual’s perception should be the basis of human cognition and not imagination or logic. Mozi advocated abstinence, and therefore opposed music, regarding it as excessive and a waste of resources which could instead be used to help those in need of basic necessities such as food, water and shelter. He even opposed elaborate funerals also regarding it as a waste of money which could be used in more useful matters. He also advocated pacifism thus disapproving of offensive war, only accepting aggressive action to defend the weak. Legalism, while the term itself was invented in the Han dynasty, was one of the major doctrines followed during the Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought. It was established by Han Feizi and Li Si and theorizes that the human race is evil and in order to prevent this evil causing chaos, laws need to be put in place. Legalism wasn’t concerned with the nature or purpose of life, not even the welfare of the public; rather it sought the states prosperity and military aptitude. Out of these four philosophies, only Confucianism and Taoism are considered religions by scholars, as only they contain spiritual elements. Confucianism and Taoism both became part of what is now known as The Three Doctrine. Buddhism is the third doctrine however it was imported from India and flourished during Imperial China.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Does a Violent Media create a Violent Society? Essay -- social issues

Does a Violent Media create a Violent Society? This issue is one of constant debate, with no real solution. There are many things society as a whole and individuals can do to appease or inflame the issue, however each argument has a counter argument and a counter argument will exist for that and so on. Because it is an issue of such heated debate with no answer or possibility of an answer should we just leave the issue be and choose not to address it further? Or should we make the issue widely known so society is more aware of the role the media can play. Or perhaps we should leave it to the media to publicise that. After all the media does have a strong influence. Take the late 1980's film Terminator, one of the highest grossing films of the 80's. This means millions of people worldwide have been to see it at the movies, and then most probably, rented it out on video. Have these millions of people gone out and killed their arch enemies? I think not. However the file Terminator may have inspired, planted the idea, or conceptualised the seed of an idea in someone's mind. And one or, possibly more murders can be associated with the movie Terminator, a certain method of killing perhaps mimicked in a psychos' rage. Yet isn't it more than likely that the ONLY aspect of the murder affected by Terminator and such films may have been just the technique used. I believe it is more than likely the killer/murderer/stalker would have performed his duties anyway. I s... Does a Violent Media create a Violent Society? Essay -- social issues Does a Violent Media create a Violent Society? This issue is one of constant debate, with no real solution. There are many things society as a whole and individuals can do to appease or inflame the issue, however each argument has a counter argument and a counter argument will exist for that and so on. Because it is an issue of such heated debate with no answer or possibility of an answer should we just leave the issue be and choose not to address it further? Or should we make the issue widely known so society is more aware of the role the media can play. Or perhaps we should leave it to the media to publicise that. After all the media does have a strong influence. Take the late 1980's film Terminator, one of the highest grossing films of the 80's. This means millions of people worldwide have been to see it at the movies, and then most probably, rented it out on video. Have these millions of people gone out and killed their arch enemies? I think not. However the file Terminator may have inspired, planted the idea, or conceptualised the seed of an idea in someone's mind. And one or, possibly more murders can be associated with the movie Terminator, a certain method of killing perhaps mimicked in a psychos' rage. Yet isn't it more than likely that the ONLY aspect of the murder affected by Terminator and such films may have been just the technique used. I believe it is more than likely the killer/murderer/stalker would have performed his duties anyway. I s...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Analysis and Valuation of Privately Held Companies Essay

10.1 What is the capitalization rate and how does it relate to the discount rate? Answer: The terms discount rate and capitalization rate are often used interchangeably. Whenever the growth rate of a firm’s cash flows is projected to vary over time, the term discount rate generally refers to the factor used to convert the projected cash flows to present values. In contrast, if the cash flows of the firm are not expected to grow or are expected to grow at a constant rate indefinitely, the discount rate employed by practitioners is often referred as the capitalization rate. 10.2 What are the common ways of estimating the capitalization rate? Answer: Capitalization rates may be estimated by using the Capital Asset Pricing Model, cost of capital, price-to-earnings ratios, accounting based returns such as the return on equity, and the build-up method. 10.3 What is the marketability discount and what are common ways of estimating this discount? Answer: The risk associated with an illiquid market for the specific stock is often referred to as the marketability or liquidity discount. Liquidity is the ease with which an investor can sell their stock without a serious loss of value. An investor in a small company may find it difficult to sell quickly their shares because of limited interest in the company. Consequently, the investor may find it necessary to sell their shares at a significant discount from what they paid for the shares. 10.4 Give examples of private company costs that might be understated and explain why. Answer: Examples may include employee training and the cost of complying with government regulation such as OSHA and the EPA. Small, privately owned firms tend to under-spend in these areas since they do not contribute directly to current profitability. 10.5 How can an analyst determine if the target firm’s costs and revenues are understated or overstated? Answer: The analyst may determine that revenues have been overstated by comparing the accounting practices to GAAP guidelines and to other comparable firms. It may be determined that costs are understated by comparing the firm’s accounting practices with GAAP standards and by comparing the firm’s common size financial statements with those of similar firms. 10.6 Why might shell corporations have value? Answer: Merging with an existing corporate shell of a formerly publicly traded company may be a reasonable alternative for a firm wanting to go public that is unable to provide the 2 years of audited financial statements required by the SEC or unwilling to incur the costs of going public through an initial public offering. Thus, merging with a shell corporation may represent an effective alternative to an initial public offering for a small firm. Shell corporations may also be attractive for investors interested in capitalizing on the intangible value associated with the existing corporate shell. This could include name recognition; licenses, patents, and other forms of intellectual properties; and underutilized assets such as warehouse space and fully depreciated equipment with some economic life remaining. 10.7 Why might succession planning be more challenging for family owned firms? Answer: Succession planning is a critical activity in any firm. However, the challenge often is greater in family firms which wish to keep top management  positions in the family. This restriction limits the total pool of management talent available to the family owned firm, as some family members may have no interest in the firm and others simply do not have the credentials to step into a management role. 10.8 What are some of the reasons a family-owned or privately-owned business may want to go public? What are some of the reasons that discourage such firms from going public? Answer: Private or family owned firms are more likely to go public when valuations are high or are increasing. Companies also are inclined to go public when they anticipate an inability to finance future investment opportunities or the outlook for the future profitability is unclear. In contrast, private firms are less likely to go public because of the increasing reporting requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley and the SEC, as well as concern about interference from public shareholders. Private firms also are less likely to go public when the special privileges that accrue to the controlling shareholders exceed the anticipated benefits from going public. 10.9 Why are family owned firms often attractive to private equity investors? Answer: Family-owned firms often encounter succession problems. The founder wants to retire but either lacks confidence in existing family members as successors or cannot find a family member with the right credentials interested in taking control. Consequently, selling out to a private equity firm may be an attractive alternative. Such firms are interested in not only providing financing but also in providing board and management experience and expertise. They intend to invest for the long-term enabling the founder to cash out with some assurance the firm will continue to prosper. 10.10 Rank from the highest to the lowest the liquidity discount you would apply if you as a business appraiser had been asked to value the following businesses: a) a local, profitable hardware store, b) a money losing laundry, c) a large privately owned but marginally  profitable firm with significant excess cash balances and other liquid short-term investments, and d) a pool cleaning service whose primary tangible assets consist of a 2-year old truck and miscellaneous equipment. Explain your ranking. Answer: In descending order of magnitude, the liquidity discounts associated with these businesses would be as follows: d) The business is small, with few liquid assets of significant value; b) the business is small and unprofitable but does have some equipment that can be liquidated; a) the business is financially healthy; c) the business is large with substantial liquid assets. Selected Practice Problems and Answers 10.14 Based on its growth prospects, a private investor values a local bakery at $750,000. She believes that cost savings having a present value of $50,000 can be achieved by changing staffing levels and store hours. Based on recent empirical studies, she believes the appropriate liquidity discount is 20 percent. A recent transaction in the same city required the buyer to pay a 5 percent premium to the asking price to gain a controlling interest in a similar business. What is the most she should be willing to pay for a 50.1 percent stake in the bakery? Answer: The investor should not offer more than $336,672. Maximum Offer Price (50.1%) = ($750,000+$50,000) x (1-.2)(1+.05) x .501 = $336,672 10.15 You have been asked by an investor to value a restaurant. Last year, the restaurant earned pretax operating income of $300,000. Income has grown 4% annually during the last five years, and it is expected to continue growing at that rate into the foreseeable future. The annual change in working capital is $20,000, and capital spending for maintenance exceeded depreciation in the prior year by $15,000. Both working capital and the  excess of capital spending over depreciation are projected to grow at the same rate as operating income. By introducing modern management methods, you believe the pretax operating income growth rate can be increased to 6% beyond the second year and sustained at that rate into the foreseeable future. The ten-year Treasury bond rate is 5%, the equity risk premium is 5.5%, and the marginal federal, state, and local tax rate is 40%. The beta and debt-to-equity ratio for publicly traded firms in the restaurant industry are 2 and 1.5, respectively. The business’s target debt-to-equity ratio is 1, and its pretax cost of borrowing, based on its recent borrowing activities, is 7%. The business-specific risk premium for firms of this size is estimated to be 6%. The liquidity risk premium is believed to be 15%, relatively low for firms of this type due to the excellent reputation of the restaurant. Since the current chef and the staff are expected to remain after the business is sold, the quality of the restaurant is expected to be maintained. The investor is willing to pay a 10% premium to reflect the value of control. a. What is free cash flow to the firm in year 1? Free cash flow to the firm in year 1 = $300,000 x 1.04 x (1 – .4) – $20,000 x 1.04 – $15,000 x 1.04 = $187,200 – $20,800 – $15,600 = $150,800 b. What is free cash flow to the firm in year 2? Free cash flow to the firm in year 2 = ($300,000 x 1.042) x (1-.4) – $20,000 x 1.042 – $15,000 x 1.042 = $194,688 – $21,632 – $16,224 = $156,832 c. What is the firm’s cost of equity? Industry’s unleveraged beta = 2 / (1 + .6 x 1.5) = 1.05 Restaurant’s leveraged beta = 1.05 (1 + .6 x 1.0) = 1.68 Cost of Equity = .05 + 1.68 (.055) + .06 = .2024 d. What is the firm’s after-tax cost of debt? After-tax cost of debt = .07 x (1-.4) = .042 e. What is the firm’s target debt-to-total capital ratio? Restaurant’s target debt-to-total capital ratio = target D/E / (1 + target D/E) = 1 / 2 = .5 f. What is the weighted average cost of capital? Weighted average cost of capital = .5 x .2024 + .5 x .042 = .1012 + .0210 = .1222 g. What is the business worth? PV = $150,800 + $156,832 + ($156,832 x 1.06)/(.1222 – .06) = (1.1222) (1.1222)2 (1.1222)2 = $134,379 + $124,536 + $2,122,313 = $2,381,228 (Note: The first two terms represent the PV of the firm’s operating cash flows before the application of modern management methods is fully implemented; the third term is the terminal value and reflects the anticipated sustained improvement in cash flows when the benefits of the new management techniques are fully realized.) PV (after the liquidity discount & control premium) = $2,381,228 x (1 – .15) x (1 + .10) = $2,226,448

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Racial Distinctions: the Lion King 2

Michaelah Frisby Jamie King English 101 2 December 2012 Racial Distinction: Lion King 2 Racial distinctions are –at times –hidden in different forms of media. They may be used to brainwash the audience in a discreet way, enlighten the concept of stereotypes, or even display a situation in which the racial distinction is unintended, yet utilized due to precedence. Racial distinctions are very present and, at times, reasonable. Disney employs these barriers so that the audience recognizes the unfavorable aspects of them. it One instance in which we find racial distinctions are in Disney’s The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride.Given to misadventures and mischief, Kiara, Simba’s young cub, wanders into the forbidden Outlands, the haunt of Scar's exiled minions, and there she encounters another mischievous cub, Kovu, son of lioness Zira, once a close friend of the late Scar and now the leader of the exiles. Zira plots against Kiara, drawing her son into her sch eme. Kovu has divided loyalties as his love for Kiara deepens. Conveyed in the environments, the identities and the physical appearances, these differentiations possess evidence of racial distinctions.Overall, the environments in which the animals dwell can be categorized into two races: black and white. Kovu’s family –the darker, or black lions –live in a more deserted area away from Pride Rock, the flourishing lands. Their home appears abandoned, devastated and demolished. Ridden with dry lands and random fires, this space is where young Kovu and other young lions play, eat, and sleep –where they call home: â€Å"[You] exiled us to the out lands,† Zira, Kovu’s mother whines to Simba, â€Å"†¦Where we have little food, less water† (The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride).Their habitat compares so well with the lower class neighborhoods cities if where black families live their lives, where there are abandoned homes and demolished memories. Young children play in an area where, unbeknownst to them, a drug deal took place seconds ago. Yet, they play there all the same. These harsh lands cause these lions to live at risk of crisis every day. However, we find Kiara and her family –the lighter, or white lions –literally living a much higher life. Surrounded by thriving lands and flourishing resources, Kiara’s life on Pride Rock is abundant.Her family is â€Å"wealthy,† in the sense, because her father, Simba, is the king and Alpha lion. Kiara is protected and her life is sustained impressively. She is enveloped by animals that love her and her family and praise her father because of his power. Much like the privileged white girl that lives on the upper side of the city whose father is respected due to his wealth, Kiara is secure and loved. Essentially, Kiara is identified differently from Kovu because of who she is. Because of whom her father is and what he knows. He knows that Kovuâ €™s mother, Zira, is dangerous.Thus, he protects her from Kovu, appointing Timon and Pumba, good friends of his, to protect her: â€Å"‘Hey, Timon! Pumba! ’† he calls for them. ‘I want you to keep a close watch on Kiara. You know she’s bound to run off (The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride). Kiara is sheltered not only because of the dangers that Simba feel are out there, but also she is protected because he has the power to protect. He can do that because of his wealth and respect. The average upperclass white family man can protect his daughter this way with the employment of bodyguards and such.Simba’s attitude, throughout the majority of the movie, towards Kovu and his family is extremely degrading. He feels that they are not worthy to live on Pride Rock with the rest of the lions. He even goes as far to put them at the bottom of his â€Å"class system:† â€Å"‘I banished you from our pride lands. ’† He spit s at Zira. â€Å"’Now you and your young cub, get out! ’†(The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride). He looks down on them because he, as the wealthier â€Å"white man† finds it hard to see them as equals. Happiness appears to surround Pride Rock. While Kiara’s life is full of love, Kovu’s is full of chaos.Kovu’s mother is harsh in how she raises him. Like a single African-American mother raising three children on her own in a decrepit neighborhood, Zira strives to raise her children the best way that she knows how with the few resources she has available. However, she is rough with her ways and tough with her love. She constantly puts down Kovu’s older brother Nuka, and unsuccessfully shields Vitani, Kovu’s little sister from the difficult ways of their land, exposing her to dangerous aspects of life, such as her plan for Kovu to kill Simba.Vitani greets Kovu one evening and playfully asks him if he wants to fight. Roughly is how they play. Here lies a parallel with the lack of sheltered love that is seen in a lot of lower class African American homes due to harsh surroundings, lack of toys, and neglect in parental guidance. Nuka despises Kovu because he can never please their mother: â€Å"Hey, it’s every lion for himself out here,† Nuka replies to Vitani scolding him for leaving Kovu on his own. â€Å"That little termite’s got to learn to be on his own† (The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride).Kovu’s approach towards Kiara, when they first meet, is negative. He begins to growl at her with his young, yet fierce voice: â€Å"Who are you, pride-lander,† he asks Kiara with disgust. (The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride) He makes fun of Kiara by saying that she is a daddy’s girl. Kovu learns these defensive ways from his mother and his homeland. It is all he knows. , Kiara’s attempts to play a game of tag with him are failed: â€Å"What’s w rong? Don’t ya know how to play? † she asks. (The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride). Yet, when she begins to â€Å"play fight† with him, he responds playfully.Meanwhile, Simba and Zira’s means for punishment differ as well. Simba has a talk with Kiara about how the dangers of the world will negate her life if she continues to disobey his rules and run off on her own. He ends his lecture by singing her a song about family and sticking together: â€Å"We Are One. † Zira’s ways are much harsher. She screams at Kovu, scaring him intensely, telling him that he will never be friends with Kiara. Compared to human life: Zira –the black parent –scolds her child more harshly because she knows that if she does not, society will.And Simba –the white parent –gives much more leeway because society sees her skin color, or fur color, and suspects that she means no harm. Lastly, are the physical appearances of the characters. Kiar a’s family are the lighter cubs, which can be compared to a white family. Whereas Kovu’s family are the darker cubs, in comparison to a black family. Though Kiara and the lions in the pride lands vary as far as shades of light skin, they are lighter all the same. As far as physique, the lions of the pride lands are much more fit and appear more will-nourished in contrast to the lions of the outlands.These lions are much darker, and quite thin. They appear very malnourished. â€Å"Oh! These termites,† Nuka yelps as he viciously scratches, bites, and claws at himself (The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride). Nuka appears to be the most dirt-ridden lion of them all. Kovu possesses a scar that he receives from his mother’s scornful actions. This scar represents a lot about where he came from. It even acts as a symbol for his father, Scar. Though Kovu was adopted, this scar aids in the resemblance of Scar and him. The use of these color distinctions to the char acters bestows visualization on the concept of these racial differences.Racial barriers are often hidden. Yet, they instill a number of aspects as far as information. In Disney’s The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride, we find these barriers. They are portrayed in the environments, the identities and the physical appearances of the characters. And though they are not good or bad, they are necessary. These distinctions allow the audience to recognize the negativity in the barriers so that they do not out them forth. Works Cited The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride. Dir. Darrell Rooney. Prod. Jeannine Roussell. Perf. Matthew Broderick, Neve Campbell, Andy Dick. Disney Pictures, 1998. Film